
Election of Students Unions in Universities and Colleges, 2013

Higher Education,

Advisory for keeping in abeyance all processes related to election to the students’ unions in the Universities and their affiliated Colleges for the time being.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
(University Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091

No. 282(14)-Edn (U)/1U-71/12 Date: 07.03.2013

From: Smt. Madhumita Ray, IAS,
Additional Secretary,
Higher Education Department,
Govt. of West Bengal.

To: The Vice Chancellor,
………………… University (all)

Subject: Advisory for keeping in abeyance all processes related to election to the students’ unions in the Universities and their affiliated Colleges for the time being.


This refers to the advisory issued by this Department vide no. 222-Edn(U)/1U-71/12 dated 18.02.13 for keeping all processes related to the elections to the Students’ Unions in the Universities and Colleges in abeyance for the time being in view of the ensuing examination season in the State.

2. To remove any scope for doubt, it is again advised that all processes related to the conduct of elections to the students’ Unions in Universities and Colleges in the State may continue to be in abeyance until fresh advisory from the State Govt. in this regard is issued.

3. This supersedes the clarification vide no. 1206(14)-Edn(U)/1U-71/12 (Pt) dated 1/3/2013 issued by this Department addressed to the Vice Chancellors of all Universities.

4. You are also requested kindly to issue necessary instruction, referring to relevant provisions of the Statutes/Regulations/Ordinances of the University, as may be applicable, to all the affiliated colleges clarifying the status of existing as well as outgoing Students’ Union and specifying the appropriate authority to discharge in the interim period the functions of the Students’ Union until constitution of new Students’ Union in the Colleges as well as in the Universities takes place on the basis of fresh elections.

Sd/- M. Ray
Additional Secretary

No. 282-Edn dated 07.03.2013

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