Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
Howrah – 711102
No. 7108-F(P2) Dated: 28th September, 2015
In view of the elections to the Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad under Siliguri Sub-Division area and bye-elections to the 341 (three hundred and forty one) vacant seats of Gram Panchayats, 72 (seventy-two) vacant seats of Panchayat samitis and two vacant seats of Zilla Parishads all over the state (as per list enclosed with the memo no. 2626-SE C/5B-7/2015 (Pt.II) dated 17-08-2015 of the State Election Commission) declared under notification No. 649/SS/PN/O/I/1E-03/2015 and No. 650/SS/PN/O/I/1E-03/2015 dated 03-09-2015 respectively to be held on 3rd day of October, 2015 (Saturday), the Governor is hereby pleased to declare the said day as public holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 for the offices located within the extent of the Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad, under Siliguri Subdivision and respective areas of Gram Panchayats, Panchayat Samitis and Zilla Parishad seats.
All Government Offices, Organisations under it, Undertakings, Corporations, Boards, Statutory and Local Bodies, Educational Institutions, etc. situated within the above areas shall remain closed on the date of poll so that every employee is able to exercise his/her right of franchise in the election.
2. The Labour Department will issue suitable instructions to shops, Commercial and Industrial Establishments including Tea Gardens to declare the said date for the concerned areas as paid holiday for the workers to exercise their franchise in the election.
3. In case the date of poll is a working day in any central Government or any other establishments within the concerned areas, the employees who are voters to the election shall be permitted to cast their votes by way of special leave.
4. In case of employee working outside the concerned areas and when the date of poll has not been declared as holiday there as in Para 1 above, he/she shall be allowed special leave for the day.
5. In case of re-poll, the employees/workers shall be allowed to cast their votes on the date of repoll in the manner as in Para 3 and 4 above.
6. The day before the date of poll being the date of dispatch has already been declared as a public holiday under N.I Act.
Sd/- A.K. Das
OSD & ex-officio Joint Secretary
Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
No. 7108-F dated 28.09.2015, Source
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