
Essential Services excluded from Complete Safety Restrictions


It is further clarified that following establishments/ services including those in the private sector providing essential services shall be excluded from the Complete Safety Restrictions:

Government of West Bengal


No: H&FW/131/20 Dated 24/03/2020

Whereas the State Government has been taking up all necessary measures for combating the spread of COVID 19, and

Whereas it is imperative to adopt social distancing and isolation measures across the identified urban and rural areas in the state of West Bengal;

Whereas the Government of West Bengal, in exercise of powers conferred under section 2,3 and 4 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, has framed the West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations, 2020 for prevention and containment of Corona Virus disease, 2019;

Whereas vide Order No H&FW/120/20 dated 22/03/2020, the Government of West Bengal has notified “Complete Safety Restrictions” w.e.f. 17:00 Hrs of 23/03/2020 to 24:00 Hrs of 27/03/2020 in select areas mentioned in the Schedule I to that order stipulating various restrictions.

Now, after careful consideration of different aspects, under section 7 read with section 13 of the aforesaid Regulation, Complete Safety Restrictions are hereby extended till midnight of 31.03.2020 covering the whole of the State of West Bengal.

It is further clarified that following establishments/ services including those in the private sector providing essential services shall be excluded from the Complete Safety Restrictions:

a. Law and Order, Courts and Correctional Services

b. Health Services and Veterinary Services

c. Police, Armed Forces and Paramilitary Forces

d. Electricity, Water, Conservancy services and Private Security Services

e. Fire, Civil Defense and Emergency Services

f. Telecom, Internet, IT & ITES and postal services

g. Banks and ATMs

h. Food including PDS, groceries, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, bread and milk, eggs, poultry feed and cattle feed and their storage and transportation

i. E commerce of groceries, food items, and home delivery of food

j. Petrol Pumps, LPG gas, oil agencies, their godowns and transportation

k. Medicine shops, optical stores, pharmaceutical manufacturing, Liquid Nitrogen and their transportation

l. Production and Manufacturing units requiring continuous process may continue to function after obtaining necessary approval from the District Magistrate

m. Print, electronic media, social media, MSOs and Cable Operators

n. Manufacturing units engaged in production of essential commodities

o. Industries producing coal, power, steel or fertilisers and movement of raw materials concerning these industries

p. Any service connected with the loading, unloading, movement or storage of goods in a port/airport/railways

q. SEBI Regulated Stock Market Entities and the essential staff related to Stock Market Services

By Order of the Governor

Sd/- Chief Secretary

No. H&FW/131/20 dated 24.03.2020, Source

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