Evaluation and Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of H.S. Exam, 2020
Higher Secondary Education, Answer Scripts , Examination 👁️ 115
Head Examiners are requested to contact their respective examiners to collect the answer scripts in larger volumes for evaluation and scrutiny job within the stipulated time, after receiving the answer scripts from H.S. Council.WEST BENGAL COUNCIL OF HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION
KOLKATA – 700 091.
Ref. No.: L/PR/96/2020 Date: 13.05.2020
Notification for the Head Examiners
This is to request to the concerned Head Examiners to contact their respective examiners to collect the answer scripts in larger volumes for evaluation and scrutiny job within the stipulated time, after receiving the answer scripts from H.S. Council. The examiners may collect the scripts with proper permission from nearby Police Station showing their necessary documents with proper precautions, availing the public transport, Epass, own vehicle etc. In extreme cases of inconvenience Head Examiners are also requested to contact their respective Convenors (District Inspector of School), Jt. Convenors for necessary help and support. The examiners will be instructed to preserve all the answer scripts till this sensitive period. They will send the marks foil to the Head Examiners through scanned copy, courier, personally or through marks-coordinator of the council. This is again to request the Council-appointed Head Examiners to extend their utmost support and cooperation to the Council, in the academic interest of the students.
Note: Please download the print out for the necessary record and presentation to competent authority.
Sd/- President
W. B. Council of H. S. Education