
Exemption of Motor Vehicles Tax for Ram Krishna Mission

Transport, ,

Motor vehicles of the Ram Krishna Mission incl. Sarada Pith, Belur Math and Mission, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission used for spreading social education.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 1086-WT/6M-01/2017 Date: 22.03.2017


WHEREAS, the State Government by way of issuance of Notification bearing no. 7964-WT/6M-37/89 dated 07.07.1989 (herein referred as said notification) has allowed to exempt totally the motor vehicles of various categories as described in the said notification from payment towards taxes in the public interest which includes motor vehicles belonging to the Ramkrishna Mission Sarada Pith and Belur Math and Mission used in connection with spreading of social education and other charitable purposes;

AND, WHEREAS, the General Secretary, Sri Sarada Math & Ramkrishna Sarada Mission, Dakshineswar, Kolkata (herein referred as said organisation) has applied for exemption of motor vehicles tax as per amendment of clause (10) of the said Notification;

AND, WHEREAS, in terms of Clause 7(d) of notification no. 3014-WT/6M-13/2004 (Pt-I) dated 19th July, 2005 taxes are totally exempted for the ambulances/ mobile clinics owned by, inter alia, Ramkrishna Mission and its brother/ sister organizations;

AND, WHEREAS, the said organization has submitted relevant documents indicating that both Sri Sarada Math & Ramkrishna Sarada Mission are the sister institutions of Ramkrishna Math and Mission;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 21 of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1979 (West Ben. Act IX of 1979) read with sub-section 3 of section 3 of the West Bengal Additional Tax & One Time Tax on Motor Vehicles Act, 1989, the Governor is pleased to direct that clause (10) of the Notification No. 7964-WT/6M-37/89 dated 07th July, 1989 be substituted by the following clause::

“(10) motor vehicles of the Ram Krishna Mission and its brother and sister organisation which includes Sarada Pith, Belur Math and Mission, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission used in connection with the spreading of social education and used for other charitable purposes;”

By order of the Governor

Sd/- M. Chatterjee
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1086-WT dated 22.03.2017