
Extension of Summer Vacation for Heat Wave, 2012

School Education, , 👁️ 272

In view of the present heat wave prevailing over almost the entire State it has been decided to further extend the summer vacation till 17.06.2012.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhawan, Bidhannagar

No. 224(3)-SSE/12, Dated: 05.06.2012

From: Shri Vikram Sen, IAS, Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: 1. President, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
2. President, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
3. President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education

Sub: Extension of summer vacation in view of the present heat wave.

Sir/ Madam,

In continuation to this office letter No. 186(3)-SSE/12 dated 14.5.2012 this is to state that in view of the present heat wave prevailing over almost the entire State it has been decided to further extend the summer vacation till 17.6.2012. This is subject to condition that the extended summer vacation will be subsequently adjusted so that academic calendar for the current academic session is not disturbed, if necessary through undertaking extra classes after reopening. It is however clarified that such extension of the summer vacation will be only in respect of students attending schools. But the school office should remain open in case of Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools so to ensure that the admission process of students in Higher Secondary classes are not affected.

This may please be treated as urgent.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Vikram Sen
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 224-SSE dated 05.06.2012

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