19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-700016
No. 1066/Reg/17 Date: 01.08.2017
To: The Heads of all recognised Madrasahs within the State of West Bengal.
Sub: Extension of recognition of Madrasahs.
The undersigned is directed to state that the case of extension of recognition for the Madrasahs accorded recognition as a Jr. High/High/Senior Madrasah up to 1985 and extended until further order subject to the usual terms and conditions has been under consideration of the Board for some time past.
2. After careful consideration, in terms of the resolution adopted in the meeting of the Board held on 2 August, 2016, the Board is now pleased to decide that the Madrasahs which are enjoying the extension of recognition in terms of this office circular no-Rec/81 dated 5.1.1981, circular no-Recog/1/87 dated 9.1.1987 & memo no. 1088(420) dated 16.12.1994 shall have to apply afresh for further extension of recognition to the Board. All Head of the institutions are requested to submit the following documents/papers and deposit necessary extension fees alongwith the application for extension of recognition.
a) Resolution of the Managing Committee clearly specifying exact period for which extension of recognition prayed for.
b) Challan of payment of extension fees.
c) Copy of approval of Managing Committee upto the date of application or/and beyond.
d) Copy of first recognition letter (duly attested)
e) Copy of last three years Audit Report (duly attested)
f) Last three years final examination result and enrolment
g) Non litigation certificate indicating “there is no court case against the M.C/Madrasah”.
h) Copy of Staff Pattern (duly attested)
i) Copy of latest extension of recognition letter.
This CIRCULAR is not applicable to those Madrasahs which have been directed otherwise by this Board/ Hon’ble Court.
3. This order issues in cancellation of all previous order(s) in this connection.
4. The extension of recognition is subject to fulfilment of usual terms and conditions.
5. All concerned are being informed accordingly.
Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
No. 1066/Reg dated 01.08.2017
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