Extension of Recognition of Un-aided Madrasah
Madrasah Education, Recognition 👁️ 418
The authorities of the recognized Un-aided Madrasahs are requested to submit prayer for extension of tenure of provisional recognition of their Madrasahs.
Madrasah Education, Recognition 👁️ 418
The authorities of the recognized Un-aided Madrasahs are requested to submit prayer for extension of tenure of provisional recognition of their Madrasahs.
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Begum Rokaiya Bhavan’
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-16
Memo No. 1245/U.N.A/16 Date: 05/09/16
From: The Secretary, West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
To: All recognized Un-aided Madrasah authorities in the State
The authorities of the recognized Un-aided Madrasahs in the State are hereby requested to submit the prayer for extension of tenure of provisional recognition of their Madrasahs for further 03 (three) years as per sub-regulation (2) of regulation 8 of the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education (Recognition of unaided Madrasahs) Regulations, 2010 after properly filling of the CHECKLIST and enclosing the annexure as mentioned in that checklist and the receipt copy of the prayer submitted to the Board earlier, if any for the purpose.
The CHECK list may be collected from the Board Office or can be downloaded from the Website of the Board (www.wbbme.org).
It is issued in concurrence wit the MA & ME Department, Govt. of West Bengal, vide their letter No. 1174-MD/O/2M-92/12 dt. 21.06.2016 and the resolution adopted in the meeting of the Board held on 02.08.2016 respectively.
Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
No. 1245/U.N.A dated 05.09.2016