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External Practical (Micro) Evaluation, 2015 (D.El.Ed 2014-16)

School Education, 👁️ 162

External (Practical) Evaluation-2015 in Pre-internship Process-based-Teaching Skill Enhancement Programme for the Session-2014-2016 of the D.El.Ed. Course will be held in the period from 27.07.2015 to 22.08.2015.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

Memo No: 1140/BPE/2015 Date: 14-07-2015


All the heads of the DIETs, Govt/ Govt. Sponsored/ Govt. Aided and Self-Financed Unaided Private PTTIs are hereby informed that the External (Practical) Evaluation-2015 in Pre-internship Process-based-Teaching Skill Enhancement Programme for the Session-2014-2016 as per the New (Revised) Syllabus-2014 of the Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/Face to Face Mode) will be held in the period from 27/07/2015 to 22/08/2015.

The Board has taken all steps to send appointment letters to the selected evaluators through the respective Heads of the Institutes. In case of non-availability, the Heads of the Institutes are requested to contact with the PTTI/D El Ed Section of the Board.

Necessary notice for the students be issued from the end of the Institutes, after having fixed the date of such evaluation in consultation with the external evaluators, selected for the Institutes concerned.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 1140/BPE dated 14.07.2015