Only distance slabs and corresponding fare rates mentioned for different slabs in a uniform manner for all pre-paid taxi booths in kolkata.
Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata- 700 001
No. 1480-WT/3M-74/99 pt. Date: 12.04.2013
WHEREAS, it has been experienced that the individual Police Commissioners have often been sending individual proposals for fare charts with regard to individual pre-paid taxi booths in terms of their connectivities to the related neighbourhoods;
AND WHEREAS, in order to evolve some uniform principle and to ensure removal of asymmetries, it has been decided that, henceforth, general notification will be issued with only distance slabs and corresponding fare rates mentioned for the different slabs in a uniform manner for all pre-paid taxi booths irrespective of their locations;
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of powers conferred by proviso to sub-rule (1) of Rule 262 of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 and in the interest of the public intending to travel by taxis from Pre-paid Taxi Booths operative at different locations within this State to different destinations within a radius of 38 KMs from the originating point of a particular Pre-paid Taxi Booth and in supersession of all earlier orders issued by the Transport Department in this regard, the Governor has been pleased to order that any taxi operator intending to opt for pre-paid taxi system, will be exempted from the operation of sub- rule (1) of Rule 262 of the West Bengal Motor vehicles Rules, 1989 on occasion operating under the said system from Pre-paid Taxi Booths operative at different locations within this State until further order on such terms and conditions upon the selected operators as may be prescribed by the concerned Regional Transport Authority.
Further, in exercise of powers conferred under clause (1) of sub- section (1) of section 67 of the Motor vehicles Act, 1988 direction is hereby issued for re- fixation of fare of the above stated type of Contract carriage in the form of Pre-paid Taxi @ Rs. 25.00 (Rs. Twenty five) only for the first two Kilometers and Rs. 12.00 (Rs. Twelve only) for every subsequent Kilometer, with Rs. 15.00 (Rs. Fifteen) only as combined waiting charge in case the vehicle is hired for a distance not exceeding 8 K.M. and Rs. 22.00 (Rs. Twenty two) only as combined waiting charge, in case, the vehicle is hired for a distance more than 8 K.M. Rs. 10.00 (Rs. Ten) only as service charge will be levied for maintenance of the Pre-paid Taxi Booth and payment to its staff etc. No extra charge will be levied for luggage OR for passengers upto five (5) persons. Fare and all charges shall be realized from the passenger of the vehicle before boarding the vehicle. Fare chart of pre-paid Taxi is given in the schedule below.
Distance | Basic fare (in Rs.) | Waiting Charge (in Rs.) | Service Charge (in Rs.) | Day Time Consolidated fare (Between 4-30 A.M and 10-30 P.M.) [Inclusive all] (in Rs.) | Night Time Consolidated fare (Between 10-30 P. M and 4-30 A.M. of the next day) [Inclusive night charge @ 15% on basic fare, rounded off to nearest Rs. 5 point] (in Rs.) |
Upto 2 K.M. | 25 | 15 | 10 | 50 | 55 |
Upto 4 K.M. | 49 | 15 | 10 | 75 | 80 |
Upto 6 Kms | 73 | 15 | 10 | 100 | 110 |
Upto 8 K.M. | 97 | 22 | 10 | 130 | 145 |
Upto 10 Kms | 121 | 22 | 10 | 155 | 170 |
Upto 12 Kms | 145 | 22 | 10 | 180 | 200 |
Upto 14 Kms | 169 | 22 | 10 | 200 | 225 |
Upto 16 Kms | 193 | 22 | 10 | 225 | 255 |
Upto 18 Kms | 217 | 22 | 10 | 250 | 280 |
Upto 20 Kms | 241 | 22 | 10 | 275 | 310 |
Upto 23 Kms | 277 | 22 | 10 | 310 | 350 |
Upto 26 Kms | 313 | 22 | 10 | 345 | 390 |
Upto 29 Kms | 349 | 22 | 10 | 380 | 435 |
Upto 32 Kms | 385 | 22 | 10 | 420 | 475 |
Upto 35 kms | 421 | 22 | 10 | 455 | 515 |
Upto 38 Kms | 457 | 22 | 10 | 490 | 560 |
The Police Commissioners/other Police Authorities would issue matching orders/notifications with a copy to the Principal Secretary, Transport Department, Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata mentioning the names of places/ destinations/ landmarks within the distance slabs for transparency and clarity of the passengers.
This shall take immediate effect.
By Order of the Governor
Sd/- Avanindra Singha
Joint Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal