
Fees for Issue of Duplicate Mark sheet, Admit Card, Certificates etc.

School Education, ,

Fees for Issue of Duplicate Mark sheet, Admit Card, Certificate, Registration Certificates etc. Migration, Transcript, Verification of Results, Date of Birth etc. are revised as per West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Examination) Regulations, 2001.


No N/S/254/13-14 Dated: 06.02.2014


It is notified for information of all concerned that in exercise of the power conferred under subsection (b) of Section 50(1) of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act, 1963 as amended from time to time, the Administrator of the Board has been pleased to revise within the authority the Regulation 10 (2) of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Examination) Regulations, 2001, the existing fees for providing services shown hereunder at rates noted against each:

Nature of ServicesRevised Fees
1. Issue of Duplicate

a) Mark Sheet
b) Admit Card
c) Certificate
d) Registration Certificate
Rs. 100/- each item, each copy
2. Migration (Original)Rs. 300/-
3. TranscriptRs. 500/-
4. Verification of Result & D.O.BRs. 200/-

The Revised fees will be effective from 1st March, 2014.

Verification Fees will be received from Government or semi- Government organizations like Department of post, Railways, Metro Railway, and Banks which charge/ recover cost for the services provided.

Sd/- Nabanita Chatterjee

No. NS-254 dated 06.02.2014

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