
Felicitation of Students with Disability and Inmates of Welfare Homes

School Education, 👁️ 145

Felicitation programme of the students with disability (Visual/ Hearing impairment, Mental retardation) and the inmates of the Social Welfare Homes will be held on 26.09.2013. The first task is to collect the names of the proposed awardees.

Government of West Bengal
Mass Education Extension Directorate
Bikash Bhavan (9th floor), Salt Lake,

No. 723(19)/ME/PH Dated: 30.07.2013

From: Director, Mass Education Extension, West Bengal,
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To: The District Mass Education Extension Officer (all)

Sub: Felicitation of students with disability and the inmates of the Social Welfare Homes.


This is to intimate you that the felicitation programme of the students with disability and the inmates of the Social Welfare Homes will be held on 26th September 2013. Necessary preparations for organizing the programme are to be taken immediately.

The first task is to collect the names of the proposed awardees. As in the past, the proposed awardees will be as follows:

Students with Visual impairment:

Madhyamik or equivalent examination: 45%

Higher Secondary or equivalent examination: 45% (In 1st language + 2nd language + maximum marks obtained in 3 major subjects)

Students with Hearing impairment:

Madhyamik or equivalent examination: Passed

Higher Secondary or equivalent examination: Passed

Students with Mental retardation:

One student each from all institutions, sponsored by Govt. of West Bengal, nominated by the Head of the concerned institution on the basis of last three years’ assessment.

Inmates of social welfare homes:

Madhyamik or equivalent examination: 45%

Higher Secondary or equivalent examination: 45% (In 1st language + 2nd language + maximum marks obtained In 3 major subjects)

She/he is advised to request the school authorities of the sponsored schools and social welfare homes under the administrative control of this Directorate to make available the names of the students/inmates concerned in the enclosed format along with the mark-sheets of the respective students of Madhyamik or Higher Secondary examination ’13.

She/he is also requested to receive the applications in the prescribed format from the students with disabilities, who attended in normal schools.

She/he is further requested to examine the report furnished by the school authorities vis-a-vis the mark-sheets and countersign the same before sending the same to this Directorate.

While sending the same, she/he should prepare a list of awardees in the same proforma and put her/his signature below it. She/he should send only the list so prepared along with the applications of the proposed awardees and the marksheets. This should reach this office by 29.8.2013 positively.

Copies of the advertisement and the proforma of the list are enclosed for ready reference.
Encl: As stated.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Director of Mass Education
Extension & E.O. Joint Secretary
MEE & LS Department, Govt. of West Bengal

No. 723-ME dated 30.07.2013