
Compendium of Government Orders (Finance) – Part I

Compendium of Important Government Order of Finance Department Part – I published by the Finance Deptt., Govt. of West Bengal in January, 2013.

Compendium of Government Orders – Part I Published by the Finance Deptt., Govt. of West Bengal in January, 2013. Download link at the bottom.

Order no. and dateGist of the order
No. 1880-F dt. 07.03.2007Administrative approval upto Rs.3 crore to be given by DAC
No. 8651-F dt. 24.08.2010Procedure for according administrative approval to plan projects by DAC
No. 8325-F dt. 24.08.2011Enhancement of financial power of DAC for projects/schemes for which GOI assistance available
No. 9144-F dt. 22.09.2011Power of DAC for administrative approval enhanced from Rs.3 crore to Rs.5 crore
No. 95-FB dt. 18.04.2012Administrative approval to project/scheme upto Rs.10 lakh may be given by Departmental Secretary
No. 10184-F dt. 13.12.2012Method of according administrative & financial approval to projects involving inter-departmental transfer of project land
No. 10257-F dt. 18.12.2012Corrigendum of 10184-F (A-II) dt. 13.12.2012
No.5320-F dt. 22.06.2012Delegated power of purchase for IT and communication items in amendment of item no. 29 of Schedule ‘A, of DFPR, 1977.
No. 96-FB dt. 18.04.2012Unlimited power of DAC to accord administrative approval to the schemes approved by HLMC under 13th Finance Commission
No. 3053-FB dt. 17.03.2012Administrative approval and financial sanction to BRGF schemes
No. 2425-FB dt. 27.12.2011Addl.Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary of 14 administrative departments empowered to release central share and state matching share subject to some conditions.
No. 801-FB dt. 31.07.2012Validity of FD order no.2425-FB dt,27.12.201 1 extended upto 31.3.2013
No. 152-FB dt. 27.04.2012FA,s Power of administrative approval and fund release for plan and non-plan schemes other than new scheme. Administrative approval to plan schemes upto Rs.10 crore (applicable to 6 dptts)
No. 5275-F dt. 21.06.2012Post related to IFA system created in 6 adminis­trative dptts including the posts of FA and DFA.
No. 1056-FB dt. 10.09.2012FA,s Power to accord administrative approval for 13th Finance Commission and BRGF schemes. Responsibility of budget preparation, expenditure monitoring, budgetary control and reconciliation of departmental accounts with AGWB,s Books (applicable to 6 dptts)
No. 1232-F dt. 09.02.2012Addl. Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary of the Department given authority to retain and hire vehicles subject to some conditions.
No. 2895-F dt. 05.04.2012Administrative approval may be accorded by the CLAC with concurrence of FA of the committee to the following original, replacement and renovation works: i) individual project cost not exceeding Rs.10 lakh for civil works; ii) individual project cost not exceeding Rs.5 lakh for electrical works.
No. 3687-F dt. 02.05.2012Power delegated to pay security agencies minimum wages fixed by the labour dptt without FD approval
No. 1885-F dt. 02.03.2012Some specified service matters delegated to the Administrative groups for decision within rules without reference to Group-P
No. 3266-F dt. 18.4.2012Some more specified service matters delegated to the Administrative groups for decision within rules without reference to Group-P
No. 964-FB dt. 27.08.2012LDA with UC may be furnished by the nodal officer of the Departments straightaway to NABARD
No. 976-FB dt. 28.08.2012Specimen signature of nodal officers to be sent to NABARD through FD
No. 5400-F dt. 25.06.2012(a)Purchase by quotation, tender- earlier limit enhanced,(b)purchase by two-bid tender, (c) purchase through DGS&D and NICSI rate contract, (d) works authorized to be executed through agency PSUs against fees.
No. 8183-F dt. 26.09.12Amendment of 5400-F(Y) dt. 25.06.2012
No. 9754-F dt. 03.12.2012Procedure of re-tender
No. 8648-F dt. 12.10.2012Note – 1 below sub-rule (3) of Rule 47A of WBFR deleted withdrawing the preferential treatment earlier given to Mackintosh Burn, Westinghouse Saxby Farmer and Britannia Engineering while making purchase.
No. 3739-F dt. 03.05.2012Mandatory publication of e-tender on e-tender portal
No. 4109-F dt. 17.05.2012Designated Nodal Officers for e-tender facilitation
No. 5424-F dt. 26.06.2012Dptts may adopt e-tender for value less than Rs. 50 lakh
No.6424-F dt. 25.07.2012Formation of state level core committee for e-tender
No. 9701-F dt. 30.11.2012e-Tender facilitation measures
No. 8182-F dt. 26.9.2012Amendment of clause 25 related to dispute resolution of works contract
No. 6427-F dt. 25.07.2012Clarification of memo. no. 5458-F(Y) dt. 27.6.2012
No. 5458-F dt. 27.06.2012Delegated Power of engineers to accord technical sanction and accept works tender
No. 8327-F dt. 03.10.2012Revised form of utilization certificate
No. 2552- F dt. 27.03.2012Standard format of grant-in-aid sanctioning order
No. 5266-F dt. 21.06.2012PPP policy resolution of the State Government
No. 5811-F dt. 06.07.2012Amendment of para 4 of 5266-F(H) dt. 21.06.2012.
No. 6522-F dt. 27.07.2012Amendment of para 6.2 (ECOS) of resolution no.5266-F(H) dt. 21.6.2012
No. 5267-F dt. 21.06.2012Finance Department designated as Nodal Dptt for PPP
No. 6524-F dt. 27.07.2012Constitution of Empowered Committee of Secretaries for PPP
No. 6523-F dt. 27.7.2012Creation of PPP cell in Finance Dptt. Budget branch
FS-116 dt. 10.09.2012Panels of pre-qualified Transaction Advisers for PPP
No. 119 dt. 04.10.2012Process for seeking financial bids from empanelled TAs and preparation of project information sheet for proposed PPP projects
No.6426-F dt. 25.07.2012More banks authorized to do Govt receipts transactions
No. 8298-F dt. 03.10.2012Receipts of tax and non-tax revenue through Government Receipt Portal System (GRIPS)
No. 9668-F dt. 30.11.2012List of Banks authorized to do Government transactions.
No. 10578-F dt. 28.12.2012Revised procedure for Over the Counter Receipt through GRIPS & inclusion of more Banks in GRIPS.
No. 5760-F dt. 07.06.2011DDO authorized to grant annual increment without any formal increment order from the HOO/ controlling officer
No. 9008-F dt. 16.09.2011Amendment in service conditions of casual/daily rated/contractual workers employed in Govt dptts/directorates/regional offices etc.
No. 2233-FB dt. 29.11.2011HB Loan ceiling withdrawn for the employees taking loan from Banks
No. 1364-F dt. 15.02.2012Child Care Leave for female state Govt. employees
No. 1853-F dt. 02.03.2012Revised procedure of preparation and submission – assets, articles costing less than two months basic pay need not be mentioned
No. 8912-F dt. 01.11.2012GPF subscriptions can be changed within a financial year more than once
No. 9145-F dt. 09.11.2012Amendment of WB (recruitment to clerical cadre) rules, 2010 for recruitment through Staff selection commission
No. 1488-F dt. 20.02.2012Proposals with information to be furnished in attached format to Finance Department
No. 707-F dt. 24.01.2012When change in date of birth is permissible
No. 9266-F dt. 16.11.2012Procedure of review of subsistence allowance-note below rule 71(4) of WBSR, Pt-I
No. 3289-F dt. 19.04.2012Changed procedure of receipt and dispatch of letters/articles/files through Department of Posts (for Govt. offices located at Writers, Buildings, N.S. Sctt Bldgs, Bhabani Bhavan, Alipore and Purta Bhavan, Salt lake.
No. 1340-FB dt. 01.11.2012Web-enabled workflow based file tracking system introduced in Finance Department
No. 6261-F dt. 17.06.2011Modification of e-payment of salary system
No. 1829-F dt. 01.03.2012Upgraded COSA package as suggested by 13th FC, technical support and infrastructure development for the package
No. 6037-F dt. 13.07.2012Extension of date for mandatory use of COSA package for salary bills and manner of procurement of hardware to be used for the purpose
No. 4111-F dt. 17.05.2012Mandatory use of COSA package and procurement of computer in anticipation of allotment
No. 9368-F dt. 20.11.2012Date for mandatory use of COSA package extended to 01.03.2013
No. 10618-F dt. 31.12.2012e-payment system extended to all Government Payments
No. 5020-F dt. 15.06.2012Amendment of WBTR,2005 in consonance with the revised procedure of financial management of the Forest offices
No. 1069-F dt. 03.02.2012Procedure of operationalising NPS for all India Service officers of West Bengal Cadre and role and responsibilities of the stakeholders of the system.

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