
Financial Assistance to Distressed Workers of Locked Out Jute Industry etc.

Labour, , 👁️ 157

Guidelines for providing financial assistance to the distressed workers of the locked out/ closed Jute/ Other Industry of the State of West Bengal where suspension of work have been imposed.

Labour Department, I.R. Branch
New Secretariat Buildings, 12th Floor
1, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. Labr/389/(LC-IR)/IR/12L-16/08 Dated: 16.04.2019


Considering the acute financial crisis and hardship of the workers engaged in various Jute/ Other Industries of the state which suffer frequent lock out/ suspension of work/ closure, the matter of providing some relaxations of the FAWLOI Scheme for the workmen engaged in various Jute/ Other Industries was in active consideration of the Government and whereas the screening committee (FAWLOI) constituted under Resolution No. 506-IR dated 14.05.1998 in its 51st meeting held on 05.03.2019 has decided to provide financial relief to more workers of Jute/ Other Industries who are out of employment due to lock out/ suspension of work/ closure of the respective Jute/ Other Industry.

Now after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is pleased to issue the following guidelines for providing financial assistance to the distressed workers of the locked out/ closed Jute/ Other Industry and Jute/ Other Industries of the State where suspension of work have been imposed in relaxation of the existing norms as laid down under Clause 1 (ii) in Resolution No. 506-IR dated 14.05.1998 in the following manner:

  1. The Jute/ Other Industries have been under lock out/ suspension of work/ alleged closure for more than six (6) months instead of one (1) year as on the date of issue of this Order.
  2. The workers of the industrial units other than Jute Mills, where lock out/ suspension of work/ closure declared by their management, may be covered under FAWLOI Scheme provided such industrial units are not in operation for at least six (6) months due to such lock out/ suspension of work/ closure.
  3. Clause 3.3(i) of the original Resolution No. 506-IR dated 14.05.1998 read with Notification No. 732-IR/12L-18/98 dated 26.06.2008 shall be substituted by the words “from the date after six (6) months of re-commencing of operation of any unit not withstanding what has been mentioned at clause No. 3.1(i) as amended vide Notification No. 187-IR/3C-14/11 dated 01.03.2013.

All other conditions will remain the same.

Labour Department will review this special provision as and when deemed necessary.

This order issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group L0067 dated 29.03.2019 and clearance of the Screening Committee constituted in terms of the guideline of ECI vide their U.O. No. 62-PAR/MCCSC/2019 dt. 04.04.2019.

By order of the Governor,

Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. Labr-389 dated 16.04.2019, Source