Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 8956-F(H), dated 14.09.2011
Sub: Financial Assistance to the Clubs of Government Employees for the year 2011-12.
The undersigned is directed to say that the application for grants from Government Employees’ Clubs only will be considered, if these reach this Department by dated 30.11.2011 at the latest along with the recommendation of the Head of Office/ Department. The application received after the date as fixed will not be considered.
2. Before forwarding the application of any Club along with the statement appended herewith duly filled in, the forwarding Officers should be satisfied that the Club is eligible for the grant with reference to the undernoted conditions:-
i) The number of members (including subscribers) for the Club/ Institute as have been stated in the application is sufficient to justify grant.
ii) The members of the Club raise subscriptions from among themselves to fulfil the objectives of the Club and the rate of subscription raised by the Club from the members has been stated in the application.
iii) The account of the Club is audited annually by a responsible Officer who is not a member of the Club.
iv) The grants received by the Club from other sources/ this Department in the last year/ previous year were utilised properly for the purpose for which these grants were sanctioned.
v) The Club has an Executive Body and/ or a Secretary to run it smoothly.
vi) The required amount of grant and the specific purpose for which the grant is required has been stated.
vii) The specific recommendations of the Head of Office/ Department has been furnished.
viii) The Club authorities must mention whether the Club has a Building/ Library/ Permanent stage for the article performance.
ix) The Club authorities have agreed to abide by the conditions of the grant and the maintenance of accounts of the Club.
x) The Club is a representation one. No application for grant from the Clubs running concurrently at the same premises or building or at the same station will be ordinarily considered. If there are more than one Clubs at the same premises/ buildings/ stations attempts should therefore be made coordinate themselves for the purpose of receiving grants.
3. The forwarding Officers should invariably furnish a certificate to the effect that the amount, if any, received by the Club previous year has been utilised for the purpose for which it was sanctioned having due regard to the audited accounts of the Club.
If no such certificate along with the Audited Report is furnished the application for grant will not be entertained.
4. Small Capital grants for replacement or purchase of Sports goods, stage requisites, books furnitures etc. is considered at present and to recurring grant is sanctioned.
Sd/- S. Ghosh
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
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