Please ensure Fire safety measures including Fire License in all Clinical Establishments in the districts with the help of the District Magistrate as directed with immediate effect.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
Swasthya Bhavan, Salt Lake, Sector – V,
Kolkata – 700 091
Memo No. A7366(18) date 15.12.11
The Medical Officer of Health
All Districts,
Sub: Fire safety arrangements in Clinical Establishments
Please ensure Fire safety measures including Fire License in all Clinical Establishments in the districts with the help of the District Magistrate as directed with immediate effect.
Dy. Director of Health Services (Admin)
Govt. Of West Bengal
*** *** ***
Directorate of Health Services
Government of West Bengal
Swasthya Bhavan
GN-29, Sector – V, Salt Lake,
Kolkata – 700 091
AND ADHS. (C.E.), Swasthya Bhawan.
In continuation to the Memo No. 7366 dt. 15.12.2011 uploaded in the website the under signed is directed to enclose here with a format of notice from the licensing authority to be issued to all Clinical Establishments under control of him within Seven days for reply from the Clinical Establishments by fifteen days. The compile statements may please be sent to the undersigned without any delay. Please treat this extremely urgent.
Sd/- (19.12.11)
Dy. Director of Health Services
(Administrations), West Bengal
*** *** ***
Shri/ Smt ……………………………………….(Name of the Licensee)
The Licensee of …………………………….(Name of the Clinical Establishment)
Sub: Prevention of fire hazard in clinical establishments.
Ref: Your license no. …………..dated ………….
Sir/ Madam,
The above license was issued after obtaining the approved plan of construction under Rule 11A (VI) and certificate of enlistment (trade license) under Rule 11A (XIII) of the WB Clinical Establishment Rule, 2003. It is deemed that you have obtained/ renewed N.O.Cs from time to time from the concerned authority as regards fire safety measures.
If the necessary measures are not being compiled with, you are requested to ensure strict compliance with the relevant Acts and Rules with immediate effect. This is to be considered as an improvement notice u/s 23(1) of the West Bengal Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010. You are also requested to submit the action taken report to the undersigned within 14 days of receiving this notice u/s 23(2).
If the licensing authority is satisfied that an imminent danger to the health and safety of any member of the public or patient exist with respect to your clinical establishment, particularly on fire hazards, the licensing authority may issue a prohibition/ cancellation order on your establishment u/s 20/21 of the West Bengal Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010.
Licensing Authority