
Form Fill-up for 2nd year D.El.Ed. Exam, Session 2015-17

School Education, 👁️ 231

Online Applications are invited for appearing at the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017 from the Para-teachers & Residual Primary School Teachers.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

Memo No. 157/BPE/ODL/2018 Date: 17.07.2018

(ODL), SESSION: 2015-2017

Online Applications are invited for appearing at the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017 from the Para-teachers & Residual Primary School Teachers, pursuing the said course in the said Session.

The intending and eligible trainee-teachers of the above said course (ODL) who have qualified in the First Year Term End Examination, held in February, 2018 and subsequently attended the PCPs and Workshop as per the prescribed guidelines of the Board, are hereby requested to login to the websites www.wbbpe.org. & http://wbbprimaryeducation.org and enter the required data i.e. Regn. No. etc. and upload the required documents and signature as per the instructions therein from 02:00 p.m. of 17.07.2018 to 12:00 midnight of 31.07.2018.

I. The Teacher-trainees who have qualified in the Spl Supplementary First Year Term End Examination, held in February-2018 need not apply online for appearing at the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017

II. The Continuing and NC Teacher-trainees of previous sessions, who like to sit for the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL) in terms of our Notice No. 153/BPE/ODL/2018, dated 11/07/2018, need not apply online for appearing at the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017

III. The CC and NC Teacher Trainees who are yet to clear their First Year Term End Examination may also appear at both the First Year & Second Year Term End Examinations (Combined) in terms of our Notice No. 152 & 153/BPE/ODL/2018 dated 11/07/2018 and need not apply online.

All such candidates under I, II & III above shall have to apply through offline mode in accordance with the Notification to be issued separately afterwards.

The Teacher Trainees will have to pay ONLINE Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand) only through Debit Cards/ Credit Cards/ Net Banking before final submission, by clicking on the button “Pay Now”.

Admit Cards can be downloaded from the same website/s, where the name of the Examination Venue/Centre will be printed. The date of downloading the Admit Cards will be notified in due course.

The exam schedule has already been notified and sent through e-mail to the D.I./S(PE) and the Chairman/ Chairperson of the District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council and it has also been uploaded in the websites: www.wbbpe.org, www.wbsed.gov.in & http://wbbprimaryeducation.org.

This is in continuation of our earlier Memo No 152 & 153/BPE/ODL/2018, dated 11.07.2018.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi

No. 157-BPE dated 17.07.2018

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