
Format of Seat Matrix for WBJEEB 2014-15

Higher Education, 👁️ 196

All the participating Institutions are directed to submit the ‘SEAT MATRIX’ as per the specified FORMAT within the 06th. June, 2014 so as to enable the Directorate to prepare the necessary ‘Seat Matrix-2014’ for onward communication to the Joint Entrance Examinations Board.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Technical Education
Department of Higher Education
Bikash Bhavan, 10th. Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

No: 51(T)/CS Date: 22/05/2014


The counseling and admission to all degree level engineering & technology /architecture/pharmacy, etc. courses in respect of all AICTE approved Institutions including Universities /University Departments of the State has been decided to be conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board in the academic session of 2014-15.

All the participating Institutions are hereby directed to submit the ‘SEAT MATRIX‘ as per the specified “FORMAT” to this Directorate positively within the 06th. June, 2014 so as to enable the Directorate to prepare the necessary ‘Seat Matrix-2014’ for onward communication to the Joint Entrance Examinations Board.

The Blank “FORMAT” is available in the website of the Department of Higher Education i.e. http://www.highereducationwb.in.

Seat Matrix has to be submitted (Hard Copy) as per the said FORMAT only within 6th June, 2014 positively. The filled-in Format is also required to be mailed to the Directorate at dtewbgovt@yahoo.com within the same time schedule.

A copy of the Filled-in Format may please be communicated to the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board within the same time schedule also.

This is mandatory for all the participating Institutions including Universities/University Departments.

Sd/- S.Dasgupta
Director of Technical Education
West Bengal

Seat Matrix Format

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