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Funeral Expense to Family Member of Deceased Employee

Finance, 👁️ 254

In case of death of a Govt. employee an amount of Rs. 250 may be paid as financial relief in shape of funeral expenses to the family member of a Government employee.

Update: SOMOBYATHI – Financial Assistance for Cremation/ Burial

In case of death of a Government employee an amount of Rs. 250 may be paid as the financial relief in the shape of funeral expenses to the family of a Government employee as per the existing Government order of West Bengal, irrespective of the pay scale of the deceased Govt. employee.

Funeral expenses are to be charged to the head 2070-Other Adm. Services (Excluding Fire Protection and Control)-00-800-Other Expenditure-NP-34-Other charges and no separate allotment is given to any office for incurring such expenses.

It is therefore clarified that such bills may be passed by Treasury/ Pay & Accounts, Kolkata only if progressive expenditure under such head is given by DDO.

Reference: GO No. 6122-F dated 01.07.91, No. 1/G-93/1326-DTA dated 02.09.93 by the Director of Treasury & Accounts, West Bengal.