
Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Act, 2011


An Act to provide for the establishment of a Gorkhaland Territorial Administration for the region comprising Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and some mouzas of Siliguri sub-division.


No. 331-L Date: 12th March, 2012


An Act to provide for the establishment of a Gorkhaland Territorial Administration for the region comprising the three sub-divisions Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and some mouzas of Siliguri sub-division in the district of Darjeeling and for certain matters incidental thereto and connected therewith.

Chapter I

1. Short title and commencement

2. Definitions

3. Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

4. Incorporation of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

5. Constitution and composition of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Sabha

6. Delimitation of constituencies

7. Power to alter or amend delimitation

8. Qualification for membership of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Sabha

9. Disqualification of member of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Sabha

10. Electoral rolls

11. Right to vote

12. Election of members

13. General election to Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Sabha

14. Validation

15. Publication of results of elections

16. Vacation of seat

17. Terra of office of members

18. Removal of members

19. Disqualification on ground of defection

20. Power to make rules regulating elections

21. Electoral offences

22. Disputes regarding elections

23. Oath or affirmation by members

24. Allowances of members

Powers and Functions of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

25. Conduct of business

26. Matter to be under control and administration of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

27. Regional Transport Authority for Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

28. General powers

29. Power to acquire, hold and dispose of property etc

30. Power to make regulations

31. Power of Government to entrust functions

32. Property vested in Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

33. Power to impose levy, and collect taxes and fees

34. Power of supervision over municipalities, Panchayat Samitis, Gram Panchavats and Zilla Parishad

35. Inspection of work of Panchayats

36. Disputes

Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Sabha and Committees thereof

37. Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Chairman, Deputy Chairman etc.

38. Term of office of Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive

39. Salaries and Allowances of Executive Sabha Member

40. Powers, functions and duties

41. Executive Sabha

42. Term of office of Executive Sabha

43. Discharge of functions

44. Power of Executive Sabha

45. General power of Chief Executive

46. Meeting of the Executive Sabha

47. Quorum

48. Special power of Chief Executive

49. Execution of work etc. in case of emergency

50. Committees

Officers and Staff of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

51. Principal Executive Officer

52. Appointment of Secretary

53. Deputation of other officers

54. Officers and other employees

Funds and Audit

55. Fund

56. Licenses of cases for the purpose of prospecting for or extraction of minerals

57. Budget

58. Supplementary budget


59. Inspection of account etc.

60. Transfer of institution

61. Amendment or suspension of regulations, bylaw and resolutions

62. Power of State Planning Board

63. Power of issue directions

64. Dissolution

65. Effect of supersession

66. Power to make rules under State Acts by the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

67. Power to make rules

68. Members, officers and employees to be public servants

69. Validation

70. Indemnity

71. Interpretation

72. Removal of difficulties

73. Saving

74. Repeal

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