Compassionate Appointment in Health Department

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
Swasthya Bhawan, Block -GN-29, Sector- V
Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700 001

No. HPA/G-130/2012/GC/A-800 Date: 10.02.2014

From: Director of Health Services, Directorate of Health Services, Government of West Bengal

To: 1) The Chief Medical Officer of Health, ………………………………
2) Medical Superintendent cum Vice Principal/Principal, ………………………………
3) Director/ Secretary/ Chief Medical Officer, ………………………………
4) Superintendent, ……………………………….


Sub:- Employment on compassionate ground

All cases of Compassionate Employment will now be examined in terms of Labour Department’s Notification No. 251-Emp dated 03/12/2013. Before sending fresh cases to the Head Quarter and also for cases which are lying with the HQ, certain documents are mandatory.

The guide lines and check list for such documents are as follows:-

  1. The scheme is applicable only to a Govt. Employee appointed on regular basis and not the one working on daily wage or casual or apprentice or ad-hoc or contract or re-employment basis.
  2. The scheme is applicable to a dependent family member of a Government employee who- a) dies while in service; or b) is disabled permanently or otherwise incapacitated rendering him unfit to continue in service permanently on being declared permanently incapacitated by a medical board formed by the Government. The cases of missing Government servants are also covered under this scheme for compassionate appointment subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions mentioned in Para-13 of the said Notification available in the Website of Finance Department and also in the H&FW Department.
  3. According to this Notification “Dependent family member” means (a) spouse; or (b) son (including legally adopted unmarried daughter before death or incapacitation); or (c) unmarried daughter (including legally adopted unmarried daughter before death or incapacitation); or (d) married daughter who on the date of death or incapacitation was unmarried; or (e) brother or sister in case of death in harness of an unmarried employee provided his/her parent, all the brothers and sisters were fully dependent on him/her.
  4. The dependent member shall invariably attain the minimum age for recruitment (i.e. 18 years of age) within six months from the date of death or incapacitation of the concerned employee.
  5. An applicant should have to apply within six (06) months positively in prescribed proforma from the date of death/ permanently incapacitated of the ex-employee. No application in plain paper will be accepted. Application Proformas are annexed in the said Notification as Annexure-A, B and D respectively.
  6. Two attested photographs of the applicant should be enclosed along with the proforma application.
  7. An order bearing memo no HPA/G-130/2012/GC/A-143 dated 10/01/2014 from the Director of Health Services regarding the formation of a Three Men Screening-cum-Enquiry Committee at different levels is issued and also available in the Website of H&FW Department.
  8. The Screening-cum-Enquiry Committee must submit their report in detail within three (03) months from the date of filling application clearly mentioning (a) the amount of death benefits; (b) last gross salary (i.e. gross salary for 30 days, supported by Pay Slip/ Salary Certificate); (c) family pension (supported by P.P.O. and Pension Pass Book showing the Basic and Gross Amount of Family Pension); (d) marital status, profession and monthly income (supported by Employer’s Certificate/ Pay Slip/ any authentic documents) of all the family members. Even if, the spouse of the deceased had retired earlier then his/her own pension (supported by an attested photocopy of P.P.O. and pension passbook) besides family pension, if any has to be furnished. The description of moveable and immovable property of the family and the monthly income thereof should be also mentioned in the report. Any recommendation or remark in favour or against the application need not be mentioned.
  9. Each enquiry after issuance of the Notification No 251-Emp dated 03/12/2013 should be conducted in the light of the said Notification and must mention the Notification No and date in the report. If the death benefits/retirement benefits are not disbursed within three (03) months from the date of filling application, the Screening-cum-Enquiry Committee in that case will submit a primary report and after disbursement of death benefit will submit the final and complete report.
  10. An attested photocopy of death certificate of the ex-employee.
  11. Attested photocopy of documents regarding proof of age, academic qualification, caste certificate and residential address of the applicant.
  12. A certified copy of death/retirement benefit from the DDO is required.
  13. An affidavit sworn before a 1st class judicial magistrate disclaiming (No Objection Certificate) employment on compassionate ground by the other dependents of the deceased (though the dependents are minor).
  14. An affidavit sworn before a 1st class judicial magistrate declaring the monthly income from moveable and immovable properties from the all family members. This is to declare that I/we own movable property/properties like………………………………. (description) from where we earn a monthly income of Rs………………………………… We further declare that I/we own immovable property/properties like……………………………..(description) from where we earn a monthly income of Rs……………………
  15. An affidavit sworn before a 1st class judicial magistrate declaring their monthly income from all family members. I, Sri/Smt..,…………………. Spouse/Son/Daughter of deceased……………………….. do hereby declare that I am a……………………………(profession) and earning a monthly income of Rs…………………from all sources.
  16. An affidavit sworn before a 1st class judicial magistrate by the applicant that the applicant will properly maintain the other family members who are dependents on that govt. Employee. I, Sri/ Smt…………………………spouse/son/daughter of deceased……………………… hereby declare that I have applied for a job under compassionate grounds and I undertake that I will properly maintain the other family members who were dependent on Late……………..(name).
  17. The appointing authority will have the right to appoint a dependent either to a Group-C or a Group-D post even if the dependent is qualified for Group-C post.
  18. All the concerned local authority should have to properly maintain a Register of Appointment and also have to fill up the points allotted for Exempted Category in the 100 Point Roaster for those employees getting employment on compassionate ground.
  19. Labour Department’s Notification No 251-Emp dated 03/12/2013 is available in the Website of Finance Department and also in the H&FW Department. All concerned local authorities are requested to follow the Notification.

Sd/- Director of Health Services
West Bengal

No. HPA/A-800 dated 10.02.2014, Source

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