
Guidelines to Conduct State Achievement Survey, 2022

School Education,

The State government has approved to hold a State Achievement Survey (SAS) from 2022 on regular basis. The State Achievement Survey (SAS) for 2022 will be held in 12th December 2022.

Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission
Bikash Bhawan (2nd Floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091

Memo No: 945/Ped/01/SAS/PBSSM Date: 28.11.2022


1) The Principal Secretary, GTA Darjeeling
2) The District Magistrate and District Project Director, SSM (All Districts)
3) The Chairman DPSC, Kolkata
4) The Additional Executive Officer, Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad

Subject: Regarding State Achievement Survey (SAS), 2022.

Madam/ Sir,

The National Achievement Survey (NAS) is a national level assessment conducted to obtain information about the learning achievement of students of Class III, V, VIII and X studying in State Government, Government Aided, Private Unaided and Central Government Schools. During 2021, after the results came out of the NAS, West Bengal ranked 9th among all States, marking an improvement of 5 scale points from the last NAS in 2017. This calls for continuing with the current endeavour and keep a regular check on the learning achievement levels of the school students.

In view of this, a need was felt to develop a mechanism for a similar survey at State level. The State government has approved to hold a State Achievement Survey (SAS) from 2022 on regular basis. The State Achievement Survey (SAS) for 2022 will be held in 12th December 2022.


The SAS shall aim to help the School Education Department in objectively understanding the achievement level of the students against the laid down learning outcome indicators. The objectives of the survey are to

A. Conduct assessment test of students in Classes III, V, VIII and X in selected schools.
B. Analyze the performance of participating students and assess achievement level.
C. Design and develop remedial actions to achieve further improvement.

Class wise Subjects covered under SAS 2022:

Sl. NoClassSubjectTotal ScoreTime
1III1st Language, Mathematics, EVS301.30 Hours
2V1st Language, Mathematics, EVS301.30 Hours
3VIII1st Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science402 Hours
4X1st Language, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science502 Hours

Salient point for guidelines to conduct State Achievement Survey 2022 on 12th December 2022

  1. District team will be constituted by DIS(PE), DIS(SE) and DEO, SSM under the leadership of ADM(Education) who will be the District Nodal Officer (DNO) for SAS 2022.
  2. 10 Primary schools and 5 Upper Primary/ Secondary/ Higher Secondary schools have been selected from each circle for SAS, 2022.
  3. In the State, 7238 Primary schools and 3608 Upper Primary/ Secondary/ Higher Secondary schools,i.e. total number of 10,846 schools have been selected. District/ Circle/ Medium/ Class wise number of sample schools is given in Annexure I.
  4. Two Field Investigator (FI) (teachers from non-participating schools) per class is to be selected +10% reserve FI required. Only one FI may assigned where number of student is less than 30.
  5. The orientation of HoI and FIs will be done by the District team by 5th December 2022.
  6. Assessment Tools will reach to the office of DIS(SE) by WBTBCL by 5th December 2022.
  7. The District will distribute the Assessment Tools to SIs by 7th December 2022 (5 days before the event).
  8. FIs will be handed over Assessments tools one day earlier of the day of SAS 2022.
  9. Supervision on the day of SAS will be done by the DIS, AIS, SIS, Shiksha Bandhus or any other official nominated by the DNO and his/her team.
  10. (i) FIs will be given a sum of Rs. 500/- as remuneration + Rs. 500/- for carrying the Assessment Tools.
    (ii) Each participating school will be provided Rs. 1,000/- only as contingent expenditure.
    (iii) Further Rs. 1,000/- only per sample school will be given at Circle level for conducting SAS, 2022.
  11. Enumeration/ evaluation to be done by the teachers of non-participating schools at the concerned level under the supervision of SI of Schools. In case there is no non-participating schools in the Circle, teachers from the nearby Circle may be involved.
  12. After enumeration, the scores are to be uploaded in a separate interface of the Banglar Shiksha portal by the SIS.
  13. For Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts, the assessment tools on Nepali as 1st language will be prepared by the GTA authority. The assessment tools on other subjects in English version will be prepared by the Expert Committee and will reach to them by WBTBCL by 5th December like other districts.
  14. State Achievement Survey will be conducted on 12th December 2022 at 12 noon.

Ends: As stated.

Yours faithfully,

State Project Director


No. 945-Ped dated 28.11.2022