
Guidelines for Conducting External Evaluation in School Internship, 2020-22

School Education, 👁ī¸ 316

The appointed examiners/ evaluators will be given (i) Appointment letter (ii) Guidelines via Email and (iii) Mark Roll (iv) Attendance Sheet and (v) Remuneration bill will be available in the Institute login.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 245/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2022 Date: 26/10/2022



In continuation of our earlier notification under No. 232/BPE/D.El.Ed./2022 Dated: 23/09/2022 & No. 241/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2022 Dated: 20/10/2022, this is to inform all concerned that External Evaluation in School Internship will be held as scheduled under notification, between 01/11/2022 and 19/11/2022 in the PTT D.El.Ed. Institutions, including DIETs and in Primary Schools as per the following guidelines:

  1. The appointed examiners/ evaluators will be given (i) Appointment letter (ii) Guidelines via Email and (iii) Mark Roll (iv) Attendance Sheet and (v) Remuneration bill will be available in the Institute login. The Heads of the Venue D.El.Ed Institute are instructed to download all such above papers well ahead the schedule date of the External Examination/ Evaluation.
  2. Immediately on having the date/dates of evaluation from the external evaluator/s the concerned Principal will notify for information of the students mentioning (i) the time of assembly (ii) the time of movement to primary schools for final teaching demonstration and (iii) things and props to carry for such examination as per our guidelines.
  3. The evaluators will get print outs of all the above stated materials from the Heads of the venue Institute each day or as required.
  4. 25 (Twenty Five) examinees are to be examined by an evaluator per day and the scores of such number of examinees will be recorded in the score sheet only as per the given guidelines in maintenance of strict confidentiality.
  5. Attendance of 25 examinees per sheet & per day are to be recorded in the ascending orders of their registration numbers.
  6. The Heads of the Venue- D.El.Ed Institutions will get all relevant and necessary papers in connection with the said External Evaluation from their institution login: (i) Appointment letter (ii) Guidelines, (iii) Mark Roll (iv) Attendance Sheet and (v) Remuneration Bill. They are requested to download and print as required and hand over such papers as required to the external evaluators for smooth conduct of the evaluation programme.
  7. The Heads of the Venue D.El.Ed Institute will take up appropriate steps to inform the Heads of primary schools, selected for teaching demonstration, of the date and time to ensure larger participation of students in the live teaching demonstration.
  8. Any other measure for smooth conduct of the evaluation may be taken up by the Head of the Venue D.El.Ed Institution under intimation to the Board, if such measure is not contrary to the rules/guidelines/notifications, issued to this effect.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 245-WBBPE dated 26.10.2022, Source

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