
Notice and Guidelines for Conducting School Internship, 2016

School Education, 👁️ 202

All Heads of Elementary Teacher Education Institutions, offering 2 year D.El.Ed. Course are requested to send student-teachers for Internship from 15th February to 9th April, 2016.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 109/BPE/2016 Date: 29/01/2016


This is to inform all concerned that as per the Guidelines contained in the Courses of Study for Two Year D. EL. ED. Programme, School Internship for 45 (forty five) days is obligatory for all students-teachers. It may be noted that School Internship does not mean teaching practice or Practice-in-Teaching only, but a lot more. A list of activities during Internship and some guidelines for effective management and control of School Internship are enclosed herewith.

All the heads of Elementary Teacher Education Institutions, offering Two Year D El Ed. Course (through face to face mode), are requested to send the student-teachers to the selected Primary and Upper Primary Institutions for such Internship from 15th February to 9th April, 2016 (without break) or for 45 effective learning teaching days, whichever is later, in accordance with the institutional plan of activities. For selection of Institutions they are requested to sit with the Chairman, DPSCs, the D.I./S (PE) and the D.I./s(SE) of the concerned district, and thereafter, to notify the selected schools for the student-teachers, so that each student-teacher can know which schools (Primary & Upper Primary) have been allotted to him/her.

Teacher-Educators of such Institutions should be assigned the responsibility of overseeing the process of the Internship and assessing internally the Interns in terms of the activities, performed.

Enclosure: As stated.

Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi

No. 109/BPE dated 29.01.2016

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