Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Planning Branch
‘NABANNA’ (8th floor)
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711 102
No. 1M-03/16/507-R/PL Dated: 20/03/2019
Sub: Guidelines for streamlining the process and procedures for laying of new pipelines for water supply schemes along/ in existing roads and shifting of pipelines for widening and improvement of roads infrastructure.
Public Works Department and Public Health Engineering Department have formulated Guidelines for streamlining the process and procedures for laying of new pipelines for water supply schemes along/ in existing roads and shifting of pipelines for widening and improvement of roads infrastructure. All concerned Officials in Public Works Department will prepare the projects and will execute the projects following the enclosed guidelines marked as Annexure – I.
This circular will take immediate effect.
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Annexure – I of Circular No. 1M-03/16/507-R/PL dated 20/03/2019
Streamlining the processes and procedures for laying of new pipelines for water supply schemes along/in existing roads and shifting of pipelines for widening and improvement of roads infrastructure has been under consideration with an objective of effective and efficient execution of the projects.
After careful consideration of the important aspects following guidelines have been formulated in close consultation and with the concurrence of the Public Works Department and Public Health Engineering Department:
1. A Nodal Officer will be appointed by both the Departments – PWD and PHED.
2. Application for permission for road cutting/road crossing by PHED to PWD and request for shifting of pipelines by PWD to PHED are to be placed before the Nodal Officer of the Departments by the Nodal Officer of the requiring Departments.
3. Applications are to be accompanied by scheme drawings and proposed schedule of work and both the Departments will share DPRs before finalisation of the Project.
4. Both Departments will try for minimum disruption, i.e.
PHED will try to:
a) Lay their pipeline by canal side/kutcha road/village road/ irrigation ditch/less busy road instead of busy major roads & highways, wherever technically feasible. For unavoidable circumstances laying of pipelines over the road may be permitted through the extreme edge of carriage way causing minimum hindrances to the traffic.
b) To avoid cut and cover method in road side to the extent feasible and explore viability of micro-tunnelling/ jack pushing/ trenchless technology.
c) PHE may ask the executing Contractors to lay the Pipeline as per approved alignment and a ‘Certificate’ from the concerned PWD officials will be obtained before making payments to the Contractor.
d) In case of Pipeline over any Water Bodies or River PHED shall not lay the pipes on the structures like Bridges, Flyovers etc. to cross the Water Bodies as far as feasible. If PHED has to propose laying of their pipe lines over any structure like Bridge/Flyover etc., PWD will design the proposed structures accordingly.
PWD will try to:
a) Examine whether widening can be carried out on one side of road which does not have PHE pipelines.
b) Wherever possible keep space for utilities within right of way.
5. In case of any lapses by the Contractor of both the Departments, a penalty/debarment can be imposed by the concerned Department, as the case may be, upon the Contractor executing the works. Concerned Engineers would also strictly supervise the work.
6. There will be no transfer of funds from one department to the other. PHED will shift pipelines with own budgetary funds and PWD will restore roads with own budgetary funds. If required, departments will approach Finance Department for augmentation of funds.
7. When PHED takes up laying of pipelines within carriageway of roads, they will maintain the affected part of carriageway till completion of their work.
8. Permission will be given by Nodal Officer within 10 days if all drawings are received with the application and are found technically acceptable. Otherwise communication for necessary corrections shall be made early and permission will be given after the rectification.
9. The works of pipeline laying, pipeline shifting and road restoration will be completed within the minimum possible time of receiving permission.
10. The Nodal Officers of the Departments will meet once a month or more frequently, if needed, for coordination and solving problems.
This has also the concurrence of the Finance Department vide U.O. No. Group F/2018-2019/0262 dated 09.03.2019.
Principal Secretary
Public Health Engineering Department
Government of West Bengal
Principal Secretary
Public Works Department
Government of West Bengal
No. 1M-03/16/507-R/PL dated 20.03.2019
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