Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, Corona Virus , Lockdown
Any hawker who is a permanent resident of West Bengal, who is in extreme distress due to loss of business/ livelihood opportunities due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) will be eligible for the assistance.
No. 877/UDMA-15011(22)/7/2020-LS-MA Dated, Kolkata, the 14th October, 2020
The outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) in the country has caused loss of livelihood for a large number of self-employed persons like hawkers who could not conduct any business due to lockdown restrictions. Due to loss of business and livelihood, these people are passing through very difficult times.
2. In order to provide some relief to such hawkers, who are in extreme distress, the Governor is hereby pleased to introduce an ex-gratia scheme for hawkers.
3. The details of the scheme are given below.
1. Short title, Commencement and application:
(i) This Scheme will be called as the Hawker Support Scheme, 2020.
(ii) The Scheme will come into force with immediate effect.
The Scheme
(i) The Scheme will provide financial assistance to such hawkers who have lost livelihood opportunities due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19).
(ii) The hawker does not have any alternative sustainable source of income and is passing through extreme distress.
(iii) The financial assistance of one-time ex-gratia payment of Rs. 2000/- will be provided to such hawkers.
2. The detailed modalities of this Scheme are given below:
A. Eligibility:
Any hawker who is a permanent resident of West Bengal, who is in extreme distress due to loss of business/ livelihood opportunities due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) and does not have any alternative sustainable source of income, will be eligible for the assistance on fulfilment of following conditions:
(i) The hawker conducts his business within the municipal limits of the concerned Municipality/ NAA/ Municipal Corporation.
(ii) The hawker should not be a beneficiary of any social scheme of the State, like social pension scheme (Old age, Widow and Disability pension) or any other monthly financial assistance scheme.
(iii) Only one person from a family will be eligible. Family for the purpose of the scheme shall include husband, wife and unmarried children.
B. How to Apply:
Eligible persons shall submit Application (as per enclosed Format – Annexure-A) to the local police authority.
3. Processing and Approval:
i) Concerned Corporation or Municipality/ NAA will keep liaison with local police authority and make arrangements to collect applications from local police authority after police verification.
ii) Concerned Corporation or Municipality/ NAA will take up the task of digitization & data compilation immediately on receipt of verified application forms (Annexure -A) from police authority.
iii) For digitization & data compilation work specific software will be provided by the department.
4. Nodal Department
Urban Development & Municipal Affairs will be the Nodal Department and State Urban Development Agency will act as Nodal Agency for the implementation, monitoring and supervision of the scheme.
This has been issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide UO No. Group R/2020-2021/0099 dated 28.09.2020.
By order of the Governor,
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal