Setting up of High Level Task Force (HLTF) for further reduction of IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) and MMR (Maternal Mortality Ratio) in West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Health and Family Welfare Department
State Family Welfare Bureau,
Wing-A, 3rd Floor, Swasthya Bhaban,
GN 29, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700091
Memo No. H/SFWB/10T-01-2016/1111 Dated: 20.06.2016
Sub: Setting up of High Level Task Force (HLTF) for further reduction of IMR & MMR in West Bengal.
The reduction of IMR & MMR is one the top most priority of our State for which the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal have initiated several interventions like setting up of SNCUs, SNSUs, MCH Hubs, Obs. HDUs, upgradation of labour room and maternity ward at the facilities having high delivery load, setting up Blood Banks and BSUs etc. Emphasis is given on Institutional Delivery and staying of women for 48 hours after normal delivery,
Obstetric Mentor Group has been formed with faculties from MCH for mentoring and hand holding support to 31 facilities with high delivery load. Similarly, FBNC Mentor Group with faculties from MCH has been constituted for mentoring and hand holding support to the facilities based new born care.
Now, to provide a greater focus to further reduce the MMR and IMR of our State, the High Level Task Force (HLTF) formed as per Memo No. HS-3061/11 Pt. 1/924 dated 21.11.2011 is reconstituted with the following members:-
1. The Terms of Reference of the High Level Task Force would be as follows:
i. Setting appropriate long term and short term target for reduction of IMR & MMR.
ii. Plan, monitor and evaluate strategies & interventions to reduce Child Death & improve Maternal Health to achieve the short term and long term targets,
iii. Review the Human resource and infrastructure available at different health facilities and recommend for development and optimal utilization of the same.
iv. .Review implementation status of National Programmes and guidelines related to Maternal & Child Health and recommend steps to improve performance.
2. The HLTF shall have the right to visit any health facility and to access any record or data. All heads of the institutions are required to extend all possible assistance and to provide all necessary information as asked for. They also need to follow all recommendation made by the HLTF and implement those in a time bound manner.
3. The State Family Welfare Bureau (SFWB) shall provide secretarial/ logistic support.
4. The Chairman of Task Force will be free to co-opt any person.
5. For the purposes of courtesies and facilitation, the Chairman will be entitled to those enjoyed by a Minister-of-State.
This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Chief Minister & MIC.
All concerned are being informed.
Sd/- Principal Secretary
Health & Family Welfare Department