Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
(Information Technology Cell)
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V
Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091
No: 252-HF/ITC/O-08/13 Dated: 03.12.2013
Superintendents of the State General Hospitals have brought to our notice that they have been facing immense difficulties in discharging functions related to HMIS (Hospital Management Information System) consequent upon withdrawal of outsourced support personnel deployed in their institutions with effect from 01/11/2013.
In view of the fact that such outsourced support personnel have already been deployed for a considerable period, their withdrawal in a phased manner is imperative. The health facilities would have to ensure that the e-governance applications running in their respective hospitals are henceforth managed by the manpower already available with them without depending on any external support. Training of the manpower detailed for the purpose may be arranged in phases as per requirement.
After careful consideration of the matter it has been decided that the authorities of the State General Hospitals would be allowed to engage one outsourced support personnel for running the HMIS application, on a purely temporary basis up to 15/01/2014 only. Such engagement shall have to be through an agency to be selected after observance of the usual formalities, and the cost of such engagement would be borne out of the RKS fund of the hospital as a very special case.
Any engagement beyond the aforesaid date would not be allowed. The hospital authorities will have to ensure that their in-house resources are capable of handling the HMIS application independently after 15/01/2014. This order issues with the approval of the Principal Secretary of this Department.
Sd/- Dibyen Mukherjee
OSD & Special Secretary
No. 252-HF dated 03.12.2013, Source
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