The Superintendents of Excise of Excise Districts/ Zones shall ensure that the renewal of only retail excise licenses is processed through the software.
Government of West Bengal
Excise Directorate
32 B.B.Ganguly Street, Kolkata – 700012
Circular no. 01E/13-14 Date: 14.05.2013
In order to implement the xPERT License Renewal software for Retail Excises, for the current financial year, the following instructions are being issued to the Superintendents of Excise of all Excise Districts/ Zones, and Deputy Excise Collectors and other excise officers posted in the districts/ zones:
1. The Superintendents of Excise of Excise Districts/ Zones shall ensure that the renewal of only retail excise licenses is processed through the software.
2. The online renewal process shall run in parallel to the existing manual process of renewing retail licenses.
3. The officers who attended the training courses on the xPERT License Renewal software, at the Writers’ Buildings or at the Administrative Training Institute, shall act as the District Level Resource Persons (DLRPs) in respect of the implementation of the software module, and shall be responsible for providing training on this module to the Deputy Excise Collectors of the Ranges posted in their respective excise districts. The Superintendents of Excise of all districts shall ensure that such training courses are organized in their respective districts within May 21, 2013.
4. Keeping in conformity with the existing procedure, two levels of nodes have been defined in the software:
(a) The Range Nodes -which has to be accessed by the DECs of the respective district, using the user IDs and passwords assigned to them.
(b) The Collector Nodes – which has to be accessed by the S.E.’s of the respective districts, using the user IDs and passwords assigned to them.
5. Utmost care should exercised so that the passwords are not misused or lost.
In case any Range DEC loses his password, he shall immediately inform the SE, who shall get the password reset by the software, by accessing the following menu from his node:
Housekeeping -> User Management -> Reset Password
In the event of a Superintendent of Excise losing his password, he shall contact the Computer Cell of the Excise Directorate.
6. Updating and correcting the license database is compulsory before initiating the process of renewal of licenses online. The DEC of each shall ensure that
(a) Data relating to ail retail excise licenses is available in the database
(b) All the critical attributes in respect of each license is available in the database.
In order to update and correct the license database of his Range, the DEC of the Range shall have to
i. Insert licenses not found in the existing database: In cases where a retail excise licensed establishment is not found listed in the database, particulars of that license should be inserted in the database. Such new licenses can be inserted from the Collector’s node by logging in using the Superintendent of Excise’s user ID and password. The DEC should ensure that all the critical attributes in respect of such licenses are correctly entered in the database; the attributes include:
In the post-reorganization scenario, special emphasis is being given on filling up the Police Station, Excise Range and Excise Circle fields correctly.
ii. Update the particulars of the licenses existing in the database: In cases where any of the particulars in respect of a license – especially the critical attributes mentioned in i. above – is found to be incorrect or missing, the DEC of the Range should correct it or enter it, as the case may be.
In the post-reorganization scenario, special emphasis is being given on filling up the Police Station, Excise Range and Excise Circle fields correctly.
In case the Range of an existing license is incorrectly set in the existing database, it should be corrected by logging into the Collector’s node using the Superintendent’s user ID and password.
iii. Deletion of the particulars of licenses from the database: There might be particulars of licenses in the database which have been entered multiple times in the database by mistake, or which do not exist in the district. These need to be deleted from the database. The Superintendent of Excise shall make a list of such licenses, along with their license IDs, and send the same to the Joint Commissioner of Excise – Training, under a forwarding letter, with a request to delete the said licenses from the database.
7. Retail excise licenses granted under the rules published under the Excise Department notification no. 127-EX dated 11-02-2010, as amended, shall be entered as ‘Temporary’ licenses. The period for which such temporary license is granted should be entered in the database along with other details.
8. In case the name of a Police Station or a Municipality or a Municipal Corporation or a Panchayat is not found in the database, the SE/ DLRP/ DEC should contact the DEC – Computer Cell.
9. Ascertaining the accurate count of retail licenses in the Excise District/ Zone is a critical outcome of this exercise. It should be ensured that the number of retail licenses shown in the database in a particular Range/ District/ Zone should tally exactly with the number of retail licenses actually operating in that Range/ District/ Zone.
10. While processing the renewal application on xPERT, the concerned DEC shall mandatorily attach online the Form I/ Form II, duly filled in by the licensee(s) after scanning the same.
Online attachment of other documents is not mandatory; ticking the checkbox against a document in the List of Documents, in case of physical submission of the same, would suffice.
After Generation of Acknowledgement, the DEC shall print the same, and then send the application online to the Collectors node/
After obtaining the approval of the Collector of Excise in file, the SE shall access the software from the Collector’s node and grant the license for 2013-14 to the licensee concerned.
Licenses shall be handed over to the licensees after writing down the license no. (as laid down in Register 178 maintained at the SE’s office) by hand against the relevant item in the systemgenerated printout of the license.
Acknowledgements should be generated and licenses should be printed out through the system even in cases where licenses have already been renewed manually for 2013-14.
11. If the SE/ DLRP/ DEC finds any spelling error or any other error in the system-generated license form, the same should be brought to the notice of the Computer Cell at the Excise Directorate.
12. There is a provision for generating License Renewal Broadsheet from the software application, containing particulars which are important for making decisions regarding renewal of retail licenses of an Excise District/ Zone. The said broadsheet should be sent in file to the Collector of Excise of the concerned district for obtaining his approval
13. The Superintendent of Excise of each district shall send a report regarding the implementation of the xPERT License Renewal module in his/ her district, to the Excise Commissioner, West Bengal on June 1, 2013.
Thereafter, he/ she shall submit similar reports every 2 (two) months, until February 2014. Thus, he/ she will have to submit the reports on June 1, 2013; August 1, 2013; October 1, 2013; December 1, 2013; and, February 1, 2014.
The format in which the report has to be furnished, is given in Page-4 of this Circular.
Category of license | Number of Licenses in respect of renewal applications have been received for 2013-14 | Number of Licenses in respect of which Acknowledgements have been generated through xPERT | Number of Licenses in respect of which licenses have been generated through xPERT |
Retail – Country Spirit Off and/ or On Shop | |||
Retail – Pachwai Off & On Shop | |||
Retail – Bhang Off Shop | |||
Retail – Converted Foreign Liquor Off Shop | |||
Retail – Foreign Liquor Off Shop | |||
Retail – Beer, Wine & LAB Shop | |||
Retail – Departmental Store | |||
Retail – Foreign Liquor On Shop | |||
Retail – Restaurant- cum-Bar | |||
Retail – Hotel graded 5- star or above | |||
Retail – Hotel graded 3- star or 4-star | |||
Retail – Hotel-cum- restaurant-cum-bar below 3-star | |||
Retail – Hotel-cum-bar | |||
Retail – Club, theatre, public resort etc | |||
Retail – Military or paramilitary canteen | |||
Retail – 50° UP Foreign Liquor Shop | |||
Retail – Tourist Lodge (“On”/ “Off”) |
14. All users shall go through the comprehensive user manual uploaded on the web portal before or while going through this software. In case of any problem encountered while using the module, SEs/ DLRPs/ DECs may send an email at or or contact Ms. Amritaparna Ghosh, DEC -Computer Cell.
Sd/- Excise Commissioner
West Bengal