
Implementation of Utkarsh Bangla Scheme

Technical Education and Training,

The scheme would encompass all the skill development activities under the ambit of the Technical Education, Training and Skill Development Department.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development,
Establishment Branch, Karigari Bhawan
B/7, Action Area – III, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata -700 160

No. 608-TET(Estt.)/2E-07/2016 Dated, Kolkata, the 18th June, 2018


1. PBSSD hereby amends the existing Utkarsh Bangla scheme further in the view of operational issues while implementing the Utkarsh Bangla Scheme at the ground level.

2. The ambit of the Utkarsh Bangla scheme is hereby clarified – “The scheme would encompass all the skill development activities under the ambit of the Technical Education, Training & Skill Development Department. Various directorates of the department would be responsible for all the institutional skill development interventions. Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development (PBSSD) would be responsible for all the non-institutional skill development interventions in the state. For all the central schemes under both institutional and non-institutional mode the Technical Education, Training & Skill Development Department would be the implementing body.

3. The current scheme would include all the QP-NOS courses as indicated in the portal of National Skill Development Corporation under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India.

4. All the new institutions and the training centers have been updated in the Paschim Banga Society of Skill Development (PBSSD) portal.

5. The following have been modified/inserted in the Standard Operating Procedure of the scheme document.

a. A batch shall normally consist of maximum 30 trainees or as specified by PBSSD during issuance of Work Order/ Commencement Order. A batch may have flexible training hours (2, 4 or 6 hours a day) on case to case basis as approved by PBSSD.

b. Training Costs: PBSSD would follow the rates as mentioned below: a. For all the QP-NOS courses:

CategoryRate (INR/Trainee/Hour)
Category – I44.55
Category – II38.17
Category – III31.79

b. For all MES courses:

CategoryRate (INR/Trainee/Hour)
Category – A30
Category – B25

The rates would be modified from time to time with the approval of appropriate authority and would be notified to the training providers accordingly.

c. On receipt of the Work Order/MoU/Commencement Order, the Training Provider (TP) shall submit a performance bank guarantee of an amount equivalent to 2% of the estimate value of the project funding from any of the scheduled commercial bank within the stipulated timeline.

d. Mobilization & Registration of Candidates

The registration process for the candidates would be as following.

a. Non-Project Mode: Candidates would be required to register themselves in the portal as mentioned by PBSSD.

b. Project Mode: The Training Providers would be required to register the mobilized candidates in the portal as mentioned by PBSSD.

c. RPL Mode: The Training Providers would be required to register the mobilized candidates in the portal as mentioned by PBSSD.

The registration process would include capturing of documents and the bio-metric data in the form of fingerprints. The registration process may get modified from time to time and would be notified by PBSSD.

e. The District Project Management Units (DPMU), Sub-Division Project Management Units (SDPMU) and other related bodies may assist in the mobilization process as per the direction of PBSSD.

f. The placement percentage (%) slabs are modified as per the table below where a Training Provider needs to achieve 50% placement to receive the entire 20% of the funds earmarked for placement.

Placement Slab% of release of fund
0% to <20%0%
20% to <30%5%
30% to <40%10%
40% to <50%15%
Above 50%20%

g. Training providers shall track candidates for a period of 12 months after completion of training. The duration of training may be modified as per direction of PBSSD for specific interventions.

h. The payment milestones of Utkarsh Bangla earlier notified vide Clause 13.c.ii. and Clause 13.c.iii of the scheme document is hereby replaced as per the clause mentioned hereunder:

i. For the entirely state funded non-institutional interventions under the Utkarsh Bangla Scheme, the payment to TPs will be disbursed as per the milestones achieved in Table A. Again the 20% fund for placement will be disbursed as per different slabs of achievement. The break -up is given below in Table B.

Table A

Sr. NoStagePercentage of Fund Release
1.After the candidates having covered at least 15% of the course hours15%
2.After the candidates having covered at least 30% of the course hours15%
3.After Assessment & Certification50%
4.Depending on Placement20%

Table B

The 20% fund for placement will be disbursed as below:

Placement Slab% of release of fund
0% to <20%0%
20% to <30%5%
30% to <40%10%
40% to <50%15%
Above 50%20%

The disbursement of the funds would be only after verification of data and continuity of the batches. PBSSD would have its own mechanism to verify the eligibility of disbursement of funds.

j. For penal provisions under Utkarsh Bangla, Clause 13.d.ii, with respect to the placement rate of the trained candidates have been removed and replaced as explained in Table B. Clause 13.d.iii of the Utkarsh Bangla scheme with respect to Trainer’s attendance, has been removed.

k. The trainees will be reimbursed a conveyance and food allowance on successful completion of training, assessment & certification. The amount may be limited to INR 50 per day per trainee. For any course, the trainees would be paid for the actual no. of the days attended or no. of days as per the following calculation, whichever is lower:

Days to be considered for payments = Total hours of course/4

The amount would be directly credited to the Bank account of the beneficiary.

6. This has the approval of the Finance Department vide U.O. No: Group B-86-ET/O/2E-07/16/2018 dated 06.02.2018 and subsequent approval of the Cabinet during its 42nd meeting held on 04.06.2018 and the Cabinet decision vide Cabinet Sectt. U/O No. CAB(D)-934 dated 05/06/2018.

7. This order issues with the approval of the appropriate authority.

By order of the Governor

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 608-TET dated 18.06.2018

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