
Grant of Incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil/ LL.M., M.Tech etc.

Higher Education, 👁️ 379

Grant of incentives to teachers, librarians, physical instructors of the State aided Universities, Government Colleges and Govt aided Colleges for higher qualifications.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
6th Floor, Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

No. 892-Edn(U)/1U-79/13 Dated, the 4th Day of November, 2016


Whereas the issue of grant of incentives for Ph.D /M.Phil and other higher qualifications like LL.M., M.Tech etc. Degree, recognized by the relevant statutory body/council, was under active consideration of the State Government;

And whereas the State Government has, after due deliberation, come to a view that in order to attract and retain the best talent in the teaching profession, incentives such as advance increments for acquiring Ph.D./ M. Phil and other higher qualifications, shall be awarded to the University and College teachers, College librarians and librarians as specified below:

Whereas the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, hereinafter called UGC, had notified on 30.06.2010, its Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Others Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standard in Higher Education, 2010, hereinafter called UGC Regulations, 2010;

And whereas the Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide its Order no. 1196-Edn(A) dated 31.12.2012, No. 920-Edn(CS) dated 31.12.2012 and No. 1197(28)-Edn(U) dated 31.12.2012 adopted the guidelines prescribed by the UGC for the Appointment, Promotion including Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) of the Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors of the State Aided Universities, Government Colleges and Non-Government Aided Colleges in the state and extended all the benefits of UGC Regulations 2010 except the incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications;

And whereas the incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil and other qualifications as per Regulation 9.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 was so far not granted to the teachers, librarians, physical instructors of the State aided Universities, Government Colleges and Government aided Colleges in the State;

Now, the Governor is pleased to pass the following orders for the grant of incentives to the teachers, librarians, and physical instructors of the State aided Universities, Government Colleges and Government aided Colleges:

1. Teachers who have entered into service with Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualification in their relevant subject between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008 and the teachers who have acquired Ph.D., M.Phil and other higher qualifications while in service during 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 shall be awarded advance increments in their initial scale of pay at the entry or lower scale of pay on the day of award of Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications as follows:

a) Four and two non-compounded advance increments shall be admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil Degree, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Assistant Professor (Stage-I) (erstwhile Lecturer). Candidates with D. Litt./ D. Sc. shall be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M. Litt on par with M.Phil.

b) Two non-compounded advance increment shall be admissible to those teachers College Librarians/ Assistant Librarians who have acquired Ph.D Degree while in service.

c) Teachers, who had joined with M. Phil Degree and subsequently acquired Ph.D Degree within two years of his /her joining, shall be entitled to one advance increment.

2. Teachers who have entered into service on and after 01.09.2008 with Ph.D/ M. Phil and other higher qualifications in his/her relevant subject and the teachers who have acquired Ph.D., M.Phil and other higher qualifications while in service on and after 01.09.2008 [Corrigendum vide No. 896-Edn dated 08.11.2016] shall be awarded advance increments in their initial Scale of Pay at the entry or Lower Scale of Pay on the day of award of Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications in the following manner:

a) Five non-compounded advance increments at the entry level of recruitment as Assistant Professor (Stage-I) /College Librarian /Assistant Librarian possessing Ph. D Degree;

aa) Two non-compounded advance increments at the entry level of recruitment as Assistant Professor (Stage-I)/ College Librarian/ Assistant Librarian possessing M. Phil. Degree; [Corrigendum vide No. 910-Edn dated 20.09.2018]

b) Three non-compounded advance increments from the day of award of Ph.D Degree to those who have acquired Ph.D Degree while in service;

c) Two non-compounded advance increments at the entry level of recruitment for possessing post-graduate Degree in a professional course such as LL.M./ M.Tech etc. recognized by the relevant statutory body/ council;

d) Those who acquire M. Phil/ LL.M/ M. Tech etc. degree, recognized by the relevant statutory bodies/ councils while in service shall be entitled to one advance increment.

3. For the present, the above Order shall not apply to individuals in the pay band of 37400-67000 +9000 AGP for acquiring Ph.D/M.Phil etc. while in service, since a clarification from UGC is essential. Upon receipt of UGC’s clarification necessary instruction for this category shall be issued from this end.

4. This Memorandum is being issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide its UO No: Group P1/2016-2017/0238 dated 29.09.2016.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- M. Ray
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department

No. 892-Edn dated 04.11.2016, Source