
Inclusion of New Communities in OBC list

BCWD, 👁️ 409

Government of West Bengal has conducted a sample survey to ascertain the relative backwardness of the classes to be included in the list of backward classes.


No. 1673-BCW/MR209/11, Date: 11.05.2012


WHEREAS “Backward Classes” has been defined in clause (a) of Section 2 of the West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 (West Bengal Act I of 1993)( hereinafter referred to as the said Act), for the purposes of the said Act, to mean such backward classes of citizens other than the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as may be specified by the State Government in the list;

AND WHEREAS “lists” have been defined in clause (c) of Section 2 of the said Act to mean lists prepared by the Government of the West Bengal from time to time for the purposes of making provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of backward classes of citizens which, in the opinion of that Government, are not adequately represented in the services under the Government of West Bengal and any local or other authority constituted under any State Act, corporations in which not less than 51% of the paid up Share Capital in held by the State Government universities, colleges affiliated to the universities, primary, secondary & higher secondary schools and also other institutions which are owned or aided by the State Government and also establishments in public sector.

Now, THEREFORE, in pursuance of the provisions of clause (a), read with clause (c) of Section 2 and sub-section (2) of section 9 of the said Act, and in continuation of Notification No: 6305-BCW, dt. September 24, 2010, the Governor is pleased hereby to specify, further, in the list placed below the Backward Classes for the purposes of the said Act. Further, the Government of West Bengal has conducted a sample survey to ascertain the relative backwardness of the classes to be included in the list of backward classes and the reports of the said survey has duly been received. Accordingly in consideration of the report of the survey, and in continuation of Notification No. 6309-BCW, dt. September 24, 2010, the Governor is also pleased to categorise the specified classes into OBC Category-A and OBC Category-B as per details below:-

SlOBC Category – ASlOBC Category – B
01Bhangi (Muslim)01Adaldar (Muslim)
02Dhatri/ Dai/ Dhaity (Muslim)02Akunji/ Akan/ Akhan (Muslim)
03Gharami (Muslim)03Bag (Muslim)
04Ghorkhan04Chaprashi (Muslim)
05Goldar/ Golder (Muslim)05Churihar
06Halsana (Muslim)06Daptari (Muslim)
07Kayal (Muslim)07Dewan (Muslim)
08Naiya (Muslim)08Dhabak (Muslim)
09Shikari/ sikari (Muslim)09Gazi (Muslim)
10Khan (Muslim)
11Kolu Muslim (Shah, Sahaji, Sadhukhan, Mondal)
13Malita/ Malitha/ Malitya (Muslim)
14Mistri (Muslim)
15Paik (Muslim)
16Pailan (Muslim)
17Purkait (Muslim)
18Sana (Muslim)
19Sareng (Muslim)
20Sardar (Muslim)
21Sarkar (Muslim)
22Shah (Fakir/ Shah/ Sha/ Sahaji)
23Tarafdar (Muslim)
25Mouli (Muslim)
26Sepai (Muslim)

No. 1673-BCW dated 11.05.2012

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