Government of West Bengal has decided to incorporate percentage of disability (intellectual impairment) on the basis of IQ test report in the certificate to be issued by Zonal/ Dist. Medical Board for mentally retarded People.
GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Department of Health and Family Welfare P.H.P. Branch
No. HF/O/PHP/121/4S-01-03 Kolkata, the 4th March, 2004
In the disability certificate issued in favour of mentally retarded persons; the Zonal Medical Board only give the IQ Test Report. There is no system of converting IQ test reports to percentage of disability (intellectual Impairment) in the certification. There is a Gazette Notification on behalf of the Government of India dt. 13.6.2001 where there is a provision of transferring IQ test report to the percentage of disability (intellectual impairment) in the Department of Health & Family Welfare. The Government of West Bengal after careful consideration of the matter has decided to incorporate percentage of disability (intellectual impairment) on the basis of IQ test report in the certificate to be issued by Zonal/ Dist. Medical Board for mentally retarded People.
2. Now, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that certificates to mentally retarded persons by Zonal/ District Medical Board shall henceforth be issued incorporating the percentage of Intellectual Impairment in each case.
Intellectual Impairment (To be assessed by Clinical Psychologist)
Degree of Mental Retardation
IQ Range
Percentage of Intellectual Impairment
1. Border Line
2 Mild
3. Moderate
4. Severe
5. Profound
Less than 20
All other parameters in issuing the certificate will be remain same.