
Introduction of New Subjects for H.S. in Govt. aided/ Sponsored Schools

Higher Secondary Education, School Education, 👁️ 349

Every year in the month of January (within first 15 days). The D.I. should send the list of subjects to be introduced in the H.S. Section of the Higher Secondary Schools in his/her District including all the sub-divisions in the districts where A.D.I. is In-charge.


Memo No. 120(21)-SC/HS/4G/14-HS/2013 Dated: 7.11.2013

From: The Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal

To: The District Inspector of Schools(S.E), Dakshin Dinajpur, P.O.:- Balurghat, District:-Dakshin Dinajpur, PIN-733101

Sub: Introduction of new subjects for H.S. Section in Govt. aided/ Sponsored schools.

All the District Inspector of Schools are hereby requested to follow the order bearing no. 1130-SE(S)/3S-13/2010, dated 19.08.2013 (copy enclosed) in the matter of introduction of new subjects for H.S. Section in Government-aided/ Sponsored Schools. They are further requested to follow the instructions as laid down below:-

1. Every year in the month of January (within first 15 days). The D.I. should send the list of subjects to be introduced in the H.S. Section of the Higher Secondary Schools in his/her District including all the sub-divisions in the districts where A.D.I. is In-charge.

2. The list should contain the name of the schools, subject(s) to be introduced, qualified teachers available if any in that subject(s), laboratory grant needed for lab-based subjects or Lab-Attendant, if any.

3. The list should be sent in triplicate.

4. In addition to hard-copies, the list should also be sent in Excel Format in C.Ds/D.V.Ds or in Pen-Drive or through e-mail as is available.

5. Rampant introduction of subjects should be avoided. Only the judicious selection of subjects should be considered.

For Commissioner of School Education
West Bengal

No. 120-SC dated 07.11.2013

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