The authority has decided to pay Rs. 5/- as remuneration per Answer script, Rs. 90/- for each half of the invigilation duty and Rs. 20/- as Tiffin allowance.
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
Memo No. S/209. Date: 06.02.2012
From: The Secretary, W.B.B.S.E.
To: The Heads of all recognized Secondary Schools (Aided & Unaided) in West Bengal
Ref: D.S.E. W.B.’s Memo No. 923/DSE dated 5.1.2012
In reference to Memo No. of the D.S.E., W.B. noted above and in terms of Clause (18) of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Conduct & Discipline of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff) Regulations, 2004, all the Heads of recognized secondary schools (aided & unaided) in West Bengal are hereby informed that as desired by the President of W.B.B.S.E., the teaching and non-teaching staff of his/her school should perform such duties for the conduct of public examination like examinations conducted by the concerned authority to such examinations. All the teaching and non-teaching staff may be instructed to render all possible co-operation in examining the Answer Scripts and performing Invigilation Duties during the examinations conducted by the Council of the Rabindra Open Schooling.
It may be mentioned in this connection that the authority of the West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schooling has decided to pay Rs. 5/- as remuneration per Answer script for examining the same and Rs. 90/- for each half of the invigilation duty & Rs. 20/- as Tiffin allowance.
All teachers of the Aided Secondary Schools are requested to render their co-operation and discharge their assigned duties for a larger social cause.