
Irregular Sanction of 90% GPF resulting in Negative Balance


Irregular sanction of 90% withdrawals of G.P.F. balances are being accorded by the different heads of office under the State Govt. resulting in negative balances of the G.P.F. accounts.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 9222-F, Dated: 05.12.2008

Sub: Irregular sanction of 90% withdrawal of GPF resulting in (-) balance.

The undersigned is directed to say that it is being learnt now and then from the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), W.B. that irregular sanction of 90% withdrawals of G.P.F. balances are being accorded by the different heads of office under the State Govt. resulting in negative balances of the G.P.F. accounts.

The A.G. (A&E), W.B. has expressed deep concern over the matter as it is a case of clear violation of Govt. orders in force and also his office is facing problems in making final settlements of the respective G.P. F. accounts.

All the heads of the office are, therefore, requested to check records properly before sanctioning 90% withdrawals of GPF balance. In case such cases are detected, appropriate actions should be taken to recover the amount overdrawn.

Sd/- S. K. Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 9222-F dated 05.12.2008