All doctors whether in private or Government service shall henceforth notify every diagnosed Kala-azar case to the state health authorities within 48 hours w.e.f. 01.01.2015.
Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
Swasthya Bhaban, ‘B’ – Wing, Fourth Floor
G.N. – 29, Sector – V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 091.
Memo. No. HPH/1″D”-27-2014/Dec/29 Date: 19.01.2015
Sub:- Declaring “KALA-AZAR” as a ‘NOTIFIABLE DISEASE’ in West Bengal with effect from 1st January; 2015.
As a commitment to eliminate Kala azar by 2015, Kala azar has been declared as a ‘notifiable disease’ in the state of West Bengal with effect from 01.01.2015. Thus all doctors whether in private or Government service shall henceforth notify every diagnosed Kala-azar case to the state health authorities within 48 hours. The State health authorities, herein as referred to, include-
For the purpose of notification, a case may be defined as Kala azar, if it conforms to the following case definition of Kala azar-
a case having a history of fever of more than two weeks not responding to antibiotics and antimalarials; the disease presents along with splenomegaly, anaemia, and progressive weight loss. This is supplemented by laboratory confirmation.
This is in cancellation of the Notification. No. Memo. No. HPH/1″D”-27-2014/Dec/1414 Dt. 31.12.2014.
Sd/- Sanghamitra Ghosh
Secretary (PHP)
Government of West Bengal