Primitive tribal groups, workers of closed tea gardens, pavement dwellers of Kolkata, ‘Aila’ affected people, drought affected of Purulia, residents of Darjeeling hill area and inhabitants of Jangalmahal will get food-grains at the rate of Rs. 2/- per Kg.
Name of the Department: Food and Supply Department
Purpose of the project: The main purpose of this project is to ensure food and nutrition by supply of food. Under this project about 8 crore 66 lac people, that is almost 90.6% of population, would come under food security. With the inspiration of Chief Minister Mamata Bandyopadhyay, Khadya Sathi Project under RKSY has come into effect throughout the state from 27 January, 2016, for those who had not been earmarked under NFSA backward in socio-economic terms.
The backward classes include people from primitive tribal groups, workers of closed tea gardens, pavement dwellers of Kolkata, ‘Aila’ affected people, drought affected of Purulia, residents of Darjeeling hill area and inhabitants of Jangalmahal. They will get food-grains at the rate of Rs. 2/- per Kg.
This apart, another 50 lac people, who applied in ‘White form’ will get food-grains at the cost of half of the market price.
A special coupon has been introduced jointly with Food and Supplies Department for all mothers and babies admitted in Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres. 5 Kg of rice, 2.5 kg of wheat, 1 kg pulses and 1 Kg of grams will be provided to them against this coupon.
Above all, initiative has been taken by the government to digitise all ration cards of the state.
Contact: Office of the Block Development Officer or Food Inspector, Office of the Controller of Foods in case of Municipal areas. One may also contact Toll free No of Food and Supplies Department, 1967 and 1800-345-5505, from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.