
Exemption of License Fee and Performance Guarantee for Laying of Water Pipe Line

Public Works, , ,

Exemption of Licence fees and Performance Guarantee for laying of water pipe line along and across the roads belonging to PWD for the departments of Government of West Bengal and Urban Local Body of the Government of West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
NABANNA, 8th floor, HRBC Building,
325, Sarat Chandra Chatterjee Road,
P.O.-Shibpur, Howrah-711 102.

No. 133-W(C)/1M-75/13(Pt.) Dated: 22.12.2021


Subject: Exemption of Licence fees and Performance Guarantee for laying of water pipe line along and across the roads belonging to PWD for the departments of Government of West Bengal and Urban Local Body of the Government of West Bengal.

It has been observed that various Government Departments are coming up with the proposals for exemption of licence fees and Performance Guarantee for laying of water pipe line along and across the roads belonging to PWD when they are depositing necessary road restoration charges as demanded by PWD.

In this connection it is stated that PWD has recently circulated a guideline for laying of water pipelines on PWD roads vide No. 1M-3/16-192-R/PL dated 17.11.2021. This guideline is equally applicable to other Departments of the Government of West Bengal who desire to lay water pipelines along and across the roads belonging to PWD.

It is decided that no other cost except deposition of restoration cost for excavating the PWD roads is to be paid by the departments of Government of West Bengal and Urban Local Body of the Government of West Bengal for laying of water pipe line along and across the roads belonging to PWD.

All concerned are being informed.

Sd/- Onkar Singh Meena
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 133-W dated 22.12.2021, Source

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