
Manual for Financial Advisors (FA)

Finance, ,

Financial Advisors are mandated to advise the departments on various issues concerning budgetary and fiscal control, financial rules, treasury rules and procurement policy of State.


Budget Procedures
FRBM Act and Fiscal Indicators
Duties, Responsibilities and Powers of Financial Advisors
Modalities for Expenditure out of State Plan
Re-Appropriation of Funds under State Plan
Communication of Sanction & Allotment
Procurement and Auction
Management of Government fund through Bank Account
Important provisions of West Bengal Financial Rules (WBFR)
Important provisions of West Bengal Treasuries Rules (WBTR)
Public-Private Partnership
Service and Pay
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
Government Receipts Portal System (GRIPS)
Some of the recently introduced Process/System
Abolition of LOC system and Introduction of fund drawal from treasury for Public works, Forest, etc.
Public Sector Enterprises & Parastatal Bodies
Delegation of Financial Powers

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