
School Education Review Meeting with D.I. of Schools

School Education,

A meeting will be held at 5th floor, Conference Room, Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake. All District Inspectors of Schools are requested to attend the meeting personally without fail. Secretary, School Education Department has consented to chair the meeting.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Directorate
Bikash Bhawan, 7th floor, Salt Lake City
Kolkata-700 091.

Memo No. 2351(42)/CSE/S, Dated: 06.09.2012

From: The Commissioner of School Education West Bengal
To: The District Inspector of Schools (S.E.)/ (P.E.)
_________________________ (All districts)

A meeting to discuss the following agenda will be held at 5th floor, Conference Room, Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake on 12th September, 2012 at 12 Noon.


  1. Review of implementation of COSA for Govt. staff and non-teaching staff of aided schools;
  2. Review of granting recognition to unaided schools under RTE Act;
  3. Formation of school management committee as per provision of RTE Act;
  4. Preparation of data base for disposal of pension cases of teaching and non- teaching staff of aided schools;
  5. Revamping of the process of school inspection by D.l.S./A.I.S./S.I.S;
  6. Submission of data in the prescribed format as required by the State Advisory Council;
  7. Filling up of vacant posts of primary school teacher;
  8. Filling up of vacant posts of junior high/ high schools in conformity with RTE Act;
  9. Derecognition of primary/junior high/high schools with very low enrolment and amalgamation proposal;
  10. Upgradation of schools from High to Higher Secondary and Jr. High to High – Pending proposals, status of functioning, teacher requirement and problems;
  11. Laboratory grant/ Library grant/ Infrastructure grant;
  12. Teachers’ training;
  13. Rationalisation of teachers posting in Primary Schools;
  14. Progress of opening of New Set up Primary and Upper Primary Schools;
  15. Distribution of Text Books;
  16. Miscellaneous.

All District Inspectors of Schools are requested to attend the meeting personally without fail.

Secretary, School Education Department has consented to chair the meeting.

Commissioner of School Education
West Bengal

No. 2351/CSE dated 06.09.2012