
Minimum Age of Intending Madhyamik Candidate

School Education, 👁️ 1093

Minimum age of an intending Madhyamik candidates whose date of birth is within 31st October, 1999 are to be considered eligible to appear at the Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2014.

Nivedita Bhavan, DJ-8, Sec.- II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091.

No. DS(E)/192/12, Dated. 30.08.2012


As per order of the Hon’ble Administrator of the Board, it is informed to all Heads of the Recognised Secondary School that the minimum age of an intending Madhyamik candidate will be guided by W.B. Govt. order being No. 380-Edn (P) dt. 31st July, 1991 and order of W.B. Govt. being no. 1330-S.E.(S)/8B-11/05 dt. 28th October, 2005, candidates whose date of birth is within 31st October, 1999 are to be considered eligible to appear at the Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2014. The School authorities are requested not to send names of students whose date of birth is beyond 31st October, 1999. No Registration Certificates will be prepared if the date of birth of any candidate is beyond 31st October, 1999. The above order is strictly followed.

Earlier Circular No. D.S.(E)/183/12 dt. 28.06.2012 in this connection is hereby cancelled.

Sd/- Santi Prasad Sinha

No. DS(E)/192/12 dated 30.08.2012