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Minimum required APR/ SAR Rating for Promotion of Engineers under PWD

Public Works, 👁️ 296

Guideline towards consideration of promotion & the benefit of higher scale in respect of engineer officers of Civil, Electrical & Mechanical wings & the officers in West Bengal General Service in the Architect wing under PWD.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch
Khadya Bhavan, Kolkata – 700087

No. 2384-E/E-1/2M-73/2018 Date:- 04/07/2019


The Government has introduced an online system of Self Appraisal Report (SAR) in r/o Group-A officers vide Memo No. 2861-F(Y) dated 06.05.2018 and the new system of attribute has moved the markings of merit “4 basis point” to “10 basis point”.

Now, the Governor is pleased to revise the guideline towards consideration of promotion & the benefit of higher scale in respect of engineer officers of Civil, Electrical & Mechanical wings & the officers in West Bengal General Service in the Architect wing under PWD, on the basis of APR/ online SAR ratings, in the following manner:

No of old & new formats of APR/ SAR to be considerMinimum rating required for Promotion/ movement to pay Scale no. (pre-revised)
1617181920 (Non-functional)20 (Functional)21
5 APRs1.
4 APRS + 1 SAR2.342.342.863.383.644.164.42
3 APRS + 2 SARs2.882.883.524.164.485.125.44
2 APRS + 3 SARs3.423.424.184.945.326.086.46
1 APRs + 4 SARs3.963.964.845.726.167.047.48
5 SARs4.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance (Audit) Department vide their U.O. No. Group P1/2019-2020/0091 dt. 21/06/2019.

This supersedes all the orders previously issued from this department in this regard.

This will take effect from the date of issuance of the order.

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 2384-E dated 04.07.2019, Source