
Modalities for Printing of SSM Books for Classes VI to VIII

School Education, 👁️ 202

Printers will be responsible for delivery of books to the District Project Office. Delivery of books from DPO to respective schools will be done separately by the Agency.

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Nivedita Bhavan, DJ-8, Sector II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091


No. 14/Administrator/2012, Dated. 24.09.2012


In exercise of the power derived from the Right to Education Act, 2009, Government has after a series of consultation with the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Private Publishers and Book Sellers/ Associations framed up the following modalities for printing and distribution of text books so far being published by private publishers and purchased by schools with the fund out of SSM grant for the purpose free of cost to the students of classes VI to VIII under the Sarba Siksha Mission programme.

1. The contents of the text books to be printed and distributed from 2014 and for years to come under the programme will be provided by the Government/ Board (in its Syllabus Committee) to the Agencies entrusted/ selected for the purpose.

2. Those Agencies are Govt. Presses and Private Publishers. Allocation of textbooks to be printed and distributed by those Agencies is given in the format below:

ClassGovt. PressPrivate Press
VIEnglish, Mathematics, Paribesh-o- History1st Language, General Science, Paribesh-o-Geography, Rapid Reader, Grammar
VIIEnglish, Mathematics, Paribesh-o- History and Paribesh-o-Science1st Language, Paribesh-o-Geography, Rapid Reader, Grammar
VIIIEnglish, Mathematics, Paribesh-o- History.1st Language, Paribesh -o- Science, Paribesh-o-Geography, Rapid Reader, Grammar

For the Academic Session 2013, only the following text books in new syllabus will be introduced in class VII and will be printed and distributed up to the DPO as per following schedule.

ClassPrivate PressGovt. Press
VII1. 1st Language
2. Rapid Reader
3. Paribesh-o-Geography
1. Learning English
2. Paribesh-o-History

Rest books of class VII and other text books of class VI and VIII will be printed and distributed in the academic session 2013 in the same manner as was in the last year.

3. Cost of book will be fixed by the Board – for that purpose quality of paper, cover paper, colours to be used in illustrations will be specified. Cost will be evaluated keeping in mind that total cost per set (including transport cost) of books does not exceed Rs. 250/-, the fund per student to be provided by the Government. Cost will include cost of transportation from the press to the DPO (District Project Office) and DPO to Schools by the ‘Joint Forum for Book Traders’ and Allied Industries’.

Printers will be responsible for delivery of books to the District Project Office. Delivery of books from DPO to respective schools will be done separately by the Agency (Joint Forum for Book Traders’ and Allied Industries) with the fund to be provided by the Govt.

4. For the purpose for printing books from academic session 2013 onwards, each affected publisher/ printer will submit two copies of each of their publications subject wise and class wise to the Board along with the information for last three years as regards No. of schools which selected their books subject wise, class wise and also the number of books subject wise purchased by those schools out of fund provided from SSM. The publishers/ Printers will also provide last three years’ turnover as shown in their respective IT Return Allotment of the books (subject wise and in number) will be basically on the following formula:

No. of books required per subject (as per student strength)
No. of publishers publishing the books on that subject

Infrastructural capacity of the Printers/ Publishers will be taken into consideration in allotment of print orders for books.

5. Printers involved will procure CD and hard copy from the entrusted press to be notified shortly.


No. 14/Administrator dated 24.09.2012