
Motor Vehicles Inspector (Non-Technical) – Recruitment Rules

Staff Selection Commission, Transport, 👁️ 353

Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Motor Vehicles Inspector (Non-Technical) in the Transport Department under the Government of West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 1

No. 5333-WT/TR/O/12E-23/16 dated 23rd November, 2016.


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of this Department notification No. 14549/7E-115/91 Pt. dated the 17th December, 1991, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Motor Vehicles Inspector (Non-Technical) in the Transport Department under the Government of West Bengal:-


The method of, and the qualifications required for, the recruitment to the posts of Motor Vehicles Inspector (Non-Technical) in the Transport Department under the Government of West Bengal, shall be as detailed below:-

(a) Method of recruitment: By selection (direct recruitment) through an examination conducted by West Bengal Staff Selection Commission;

(b) Qualifications for direct recruitment: (i) Must have Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University;

(ii) Must have the minimum physical standard as mentioned below:-

Sl. No.CategoryHeightChestWeight
(i)Candidates of all categories (except Gorkha, Garwali, Rajbansi and other Hill Tribes/ Scheduled Tribes)170 cms.86 cms. with expansion of 5 cms.Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard.
(ii)Gorkha, Garwali, Rajbansi and other Hill Tribes/ Scheduled Tribes Candidates160 cms.81 cms. with expansion of 5 cms.Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard.

(c) Age: Must not be less than 18 (eighteen) years and not more than 32 (thirty two) years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement and the upper age-limit shall be relaxable in respect of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes or the Other Backward Classes (Group A or Group B). or other reserved category, if any, as per the extant rules of the Government;

(d) Syllabus & Scheme for examination: The examination shall be conducted in two parts:

(i) PART-I: The syllabus and scheme for such examination shall be framed by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission in consultation with the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal.

(ii) PART-II: Candidates will be called to PART-II (Personality Test) on the basis of the ranks in PART-I Examination. The Personality Test will be conducted by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission.

Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the total marks obtained in PART-I & PART-II Examinations taken together.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Principal Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 5333-WT dated 23.11.2016

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