
National Award for Teachers for use of ICT in Education, 2014

School Education,

National Award for Teachers for use of ICT in School Education has been introduced by Govt. of India. As per guideline of the scheme 3 Awards have been alloted for West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Directorate
Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor, Salt Lake City
Kolkata – 700091

Memo No: 268(21)-Exam Dated: 06.03.2014

From: The Commissioner, School Education West Bengal

To: All District Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education)

Sub: National Award for Teachers for use of ICT in School Education.

With reference to the subject noted above the undersigned has to state that National Award for Teachers for use of ICT in School Education has been introduced by the Govt. of India. As per guideline of the scheme 3 (three) Awards have been alloted for our State.

All teachers who are willing to submit their nomination may apply in prescribed format along with supporting documents to the school authority and school authority will send detailed entries to the concerned DI/S (S.E.).

He/ She is therefore requested to circulate the above matter and take appropriate steps so that all entries may reach this Directorate by 31st March, 2014 positively. For details of the scheme he/she is further requested to instruct the teachers to visit the CIET-NCERT website: www.ciet.nic.in or www.ncert.nic.in.

In view of the importance of the scheme It is expected that he/she will look into the matter personally.

Sd/- D. Sarkar
Joint Director of School Education
West Bengal

No. 268-Exam dated 06.03.2014

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