
New Housing Scheme “Akanksha” for State Govt. Employees

Finance, 👁️ 195

The benefit of the scheme may be applicable to all Government Servants as defined in W.B.S.R. except those Government Employees who have their own separate housing scheme such as the Housing Scheme called ‘Pratyasha’ for policemen.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 647-F.B Dated, Kolkata the 29th August, 2014


Subject: Rules for the new scheme “Akanksha” for housing of State Government Employees

A new scheme “Akanksha” for housing of State Government Employees was introduced vide Memo No. 2089-F.B dated 28th February, 2014. The Governor is pleased to frame the following rules for the scheme.

  1. The benefit of the scheme may be applicable to all Government Servants as defined in W.B.S.R. except those Government Employees who have their own separate housing scheme such as the Housing Scheme called ‘Pratyasha’ for policemen.
  2. The nodal department for implementation of the scheme may be the Housing Department that may execute the scheme through the Housing Directorate/ Corporation acting under its aegis.
  3. The Government will provide land free of cost to the Housing Department for construction of flats.
  4. The L & L.R. Department will identify and locate suitable plots of land on free hold basis and also free from all encumbrances and transferred subsequently in favour of the Housing Directorate/ Corporation acting under the administrative control of the Housing Department.
  5. The Housing Directorate/ Corporation acting under the administrative control of the Housing Department will arrange finance from Public Sector Banks/ Financial Institutions at a negotiated rate of interest for meeting the cost of construction of flats and development of infrastructure.
  6. The Housing Corporation will charge only the cost of construction and infrastructure development from the buyer and the exercise will be done on no profit no loss basis.
  7. Apart from providing land free of cost as a welfare measure for the Government Employees, no other cost will be borne by the Government in implementing this scheme.
  8. The flats will be distributed to the applicants by lottery on a random selection basis.
  9. The owners of the property will not be able to sell the property to any person other than a Government Employee after a period of 15 years from the date of purchase, or his/ her retirement from Government Service, whichever is later.
  10. The Government will be required to furnish guarantee for recovery of EMI towards the loans from the salary of the buyer. In the case of Government Employee who will attain superannuation during the period of recovery of EMI may be allowed to repay the balance outstanding amount of loan in one lump, as the case may be.

Sd/- Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 647-F.B dated 29.08.2014, Source