
New Housing Scheme “Snehalaya” to provide Pucca Dwelling

Housing, 👁️ 269

The objectives of this Scheme, Snehalaya is to provide pucca dwelling housing unit to people not owning pucca house in his or her name or in the name of any family member in West Bengal.

1 K.S. ROY ROAD, KOLKATA – 700001

NO. 118-H1/1B-01/2020 Dated, Kolkata, the 18th March, 2020


State Government is committed to provide housing to the poor people who can’t afford construction of own pucca house due to financial constraints. It has been noticed that existing Housing Schemes for economically weaker sections are not adequate to meet the gap of demand of housing to poor people. After careful consideration of gaps in housing to the poor people and demands for pucca houses being brought to notice of State Government through various grievances, it is decided to introduce a new scheme for financing of housing to construct a new pucca dwelling by poor and needy people who are not covered under existing Housing Schemes of Government.

This scheme for Housing is named as “Snehalaya“.

Objectives:- To provide pucca dwelling housing unit to people not owning pucca house in his or her name or in the name of any family member in West Bengal.

1. Eligibility criteria:

The scheme is limited to poor people not owning pucca house and who are homeless or living in kutcha, dilapidated, semi pucca house and otherwise not covered under any existing housing schemes.

2. Salient features of the scheme:

The scheme provides for one time financial assistance for construction of pucca dwelling unit of minimum 25 square metres plinth area will be available to the beneficiaries by direct bank transfer. Size and design of dwelling unit may be varied as per land availability, ensuring more or less 25 square metres plinth area as per norms with low cost toilet.

3. Provision of Land:

The Scheme will be implemented on the land provided by the beneficiary owned by him or her/ patta land/ any other land having legal right of beneficiary family to construct dwelling unit thereon free from encumbrances.

4. Unit Cost of the dwelling Units:

a) In plain areas:- Rs 1,20,000/- per unit.

b) In Hilly and Sunderban areas:- Rs 1,30,000/- per unit.

5. Implementing Agencies:

Housing Department will implement the scheme through District Magistrate of the concerned District.

6. Selection of beneficiaries:

This scheme targets eligible families who couldn’t be covered under existing housing schemes. District Magistrate will collect bank particulars, land details and personal details to Housing Department in the Format as per annexure-A in his/ her original signature in hard copy along with soft copy. On receiving the details from District Magistrate, Housing Department will accord Administrative approvals and release funds to District Magistrate for release to beneficiary account by bank transfer/ RTGS through IFMS directly. Details of bank accounts and land availability have to be collected by District Magistrate as per format.

7. Release of Fund:

Housing Department will allot funds to District Magistrate for transfer to the beneficiaries’ bank account in two instalments directly. After receipt of proper utilization certificate along with progress report of construction from District Magistrate of first instalment released, the 2nd instalment of balance fund will be released to District Magistrate for disbursement in full to the beneficiary’s Bank Account.

8. Monitoring of the Scheme:

Housing Department will monitor the implementation of scheme through District Magistrate and Block authorities. A three tier monitoring system will be set up at State, District and Block Level. Housing Department at the State level, District Magistrate at the District level and SDO/ BDO at the Sub-Divisional/ Block level may be identified as the nodal monitors and field verification. Services of Technical Assistants/ Junior Engineers posted in the Blocks may be suitably utilised to extend technical support and supervision of construction of Housing by beneficiary.

9. Reporting:

Monthly reporting on progress of works will be collected and periodical review of implementation will be ensured at District and State level. State level review meeting will be held monthly and it will be held on first working day after 15th of next month. Similarly all District Magistrates will fix the dates of monthly review meeting before the state level review meeting as per their convenience.

10. Administrative cost and contingency:

Approximately 1% sanctioned project cost will be given as contingency for supervision and monitoring of implementation of the scheme.

The contingency may be utilized only for the following purposes:

i) Technical supervision and monitoring of the scheme.

ii) Field verification and documentation of the scheme and expenses for this purpose.

iii) Cost of stationary items for implementation of the scheme.

iv) Cost towards MIS and data base preparation for the scheme including cost of data entry.

v) Conduct of impact assessment and evaluation studies.

This scheme has been accorded in principle approval by the competent authority and has concurrence of the Finance Department Vide their U. O. No. Group F/2019-2020/0053 dt. 13/03/2020.

Sd/- Secretary
Housing Department

No. 118-H1 dated 18.03.2020