
New Scheme for Monetary Reward to Engineers/ Architects

Public Works,

10 Engineers/ Architects would be rewarded every year as a recognition to their service in Engineering works. The reward would comprise of a cash amounting to Rs. 20,000/- and scroll.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch

No. 154 Date: 30.09.2015


The matter of extending monetary reward to the Engineers/ Architects under the P.W. Department at as a recognition to their service in Engineering works was under active consideration of the State Government for quite some time past.

Now, after careful consideration of the matter as a whole, the Governor is pleased in the interest of public service to introduce a new Scheme for reward to the Engineers/Architects under P.W. Department in every year as a mark of recognition to their contribution/service in Public Works with effect from the current Financial Year. The reward would comprise of a cash amounting to Rs. 20,000/- and scroll and a maximum of officers to be considered for such reward would not be more than ten.

Detailed guideline and criteria for selection of eligible candidates for such reward will follow in due course.

This issues with concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P2/2015-16/0184 dated 07.07.2015 read with U.O. No. Group P2/2015-16/0385 dated 23.09.2015 and with the prior approval of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal for placing the matter before the Cabinet as a mention case.

Sd/- P.P. Kar
Joint Secretary (Personnel), PWD

No. 154 dated 30.09.2015