
NOC for Bridge Construction over River/ Drainage Channel/ Irrigation Canal

Irrigation and Waterways, 👁️ 221

Applications are being received from Private Persons/ entities, for allowing them to construct bridges/ culverts over rivers/ drainage channels/ irrigation canals for establishing a convenient and alternative access to residential premises, industrial set ups etc., at their own cost.

Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department
Jalasampad Bhawan, 1st floor, Western Block
Bidhannagar, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091

No: 10(A) Date: 16.02.2017


Whereas, applications are being received from Private Persons/ entities (other than Government Departments/ Organizations/ Undertakings) across the state, for allowing them to construct bridges/ culverts over rivers/ drainage channels/ irrigation canals for establishing a convenient and alternative access to residential premises, industrial set ups etc., at their own cost.

1. And whereas, such applications are now being received manually at different levels of the department/ directorate, resulting in delay in processing of the applications.

2. And whereas, there is no existing guidelines for processing application and issue of Permission/ NoC for the purpose.

3. Now therefore, the Governor is pleased to specify, with immediate effect-

a) That the applicants should use the standardised Application Form, as in Annex-I, while submitting online application for construction of bridges/ culverts. This form is available at the departmental web portal www.wbiwd.gov.in.

b) That the under mentioned Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as detailed in Annex-II is to be followed in submitting online applications by private persons/ entities to the department and also by the departmental officers in processing the permissions on case to case basis.

c) That the guiding principles, as detailed in Annex-III are to be followed by the departmental officers in processing the accordance of NoC on case to case basis.

d) Undertaking in the form of affidavit in Non-judicial Stamp Paper is to be submitted by the applicant in the format prescribed in Annex-IV along with the online application.

Sd/- Naveen Prakash
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 10A dated 16.02.2017, Source